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"Say," he ventured, confidentially, "Elsie Cameron's home; came yesterday, the very day you came. Ain't that funny?" The young doctor did not seem to see anything humorous in the coincidence. He glanced meaningly toward the lawnmower. "I bet she thinks it's a kind of a come-down to come back an' work on the farm after doin' nothin' but sing for so long.

"Mrs Dinkman, I " "Get behind that lawnmower, young man, if you don't want to be involved in a lawsuit." I wasnt afraid of such a consequence in itself, having at the moment nothing to attach, but I thought of Miss Francis and future sales and that impalpable thing known as "goodwill." "Yes, mam," I repeated. I discarded pump and hose to move reluctantly toward the mower.

Clara J. came out on the porch and said, "John, perhaps that lawn-mower would stop screaming if you used a little axle grease!" "All right," I came back at her, "but it will take me an hour and a half to find out which part of the lawnmower will fit the axle grease."

Often, when it was not in use, I walked to the lawnmower and even laid my hand upon the tool-box. But I dared not open it. My feelings were much like those of Pandora about a certain other box. In my case, however, the box upon which I looked with longing had Hope without, and not within. Instinctively, perhaps, I realized this, for I did not lift the lid.

Every time I tried to get up I lost my balance, and every time I lost my balance the lawn-mower would leap up in the air and fall on my wish-bone. When loving hands finally pulled us apart I was two doors and a half below unconsciousness, while the lawnmower had recovered its second wind and was wagging its tail with excitement.

While I hesitated, Mrs Dinkman, belligerency dancing like a sparkling aura about her, came out of her garage with a rusty, rattling lawnmower. I'm no authority on gardentools, but this creaking, rickety machine was clearly no match for the lusty growth. The audience felt so too, and there was a stir of sporting interest as they settled down to watch the contest.

"Grass awready cut roun' back," responded the amiable voice of Genesis, while the lawnmower ceased not to whir. "Cut all 'at back yod 's mawnin'." "Well, you can't cut the front yard now. Go around in the back yard and take that dog with you." "Nemmine 'bout 'at back yod! Ole Clem ain' trouble nobody." "You hear what I tell you?" William shouted. "You do what I say and you do it quick!"

"It isn't as if we were going out of sight of land; gee whiz, then I'd have brought quite a lot of stuff." "Oh, I see," said Townsend. "I just picked up a few odds and ends," Pee-wee explained. "I'm going to make a couple of more trips to-morrow." "If you happen to think of it bring a lawnmower," said Townsend; "they come in handy.

The sun was brighter than on ordinary mornings; the birds outside were twittering more loudly; even the lawnmower which black Jeff was already rolling over the grass had assumed a peculiarly agreeable clatter.

She leaned over and put her cigarette on the back of my celluloid mirror, and then suddenly she threw back her head and laughed. "Minnie!" she said, between fits, "Minnie! As long as I live I'll never forget that wretched boy's face! And the sand boxes! And the blankets over the windows! And the tarpaulin over the rafters! And Mr. Van Alstyne sitting on the lawnmower!