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Mac- Morlan was a ladylike person, and well qualified by birth and manners to receive the visit, and to make her house agreeable to Miss Bertram. A home, therefore, and an hospitable reception were secured to her, and she went on with better heart to pay the wages and receive the adieus of the few domestics of her father's family.

"Certainly not," declared Ida. "I very seldom let a man pick me up after dark unless he looks mighty good. I go out in the daytime. I pretend I'm an actress out of a job for the time being, or a forelady in a big shop who's taking a day or so off, or a respectable girl living with her parents. I put a lot of money into clothes quiet, ladylike clothes. Mighty good investment.

"'The members of the Mutual Improvement Society are to aim at ladylike manners, they are to refrain from slang in conversation, and they are to refuse to make friends with girls who indulge too largely in that special form of vulgarity. Poor Kitty Malone!" "But she does not talk slang," said Bessie. "She talks Ireland, and Ireland and England are as far apart as the poles."

Spinning, the mystic characters united to form the words: "Kiss me quick." Her companions tittered. "If ma didn't know for certain 'twas meant for your brother John, she'd never 'ave let you make it," said the second blonde, whose name was Jinny. "Girls, what a lark it 'ud be to send it up to Purdy Smith, by Ned!" said the first speaker. Polly blushed. "Fy, Tilly! That wouldn't be ladylike."

Then, his wrath gathering emphasis as he went on: "The longer I live the plainer I see Shakespeare was right what fools these mortals be, and all that. There's that Haggage woman speech-making through the country like a hiatused politician. It may be philanthropic, but it ain't ladylike no, begad! What has she got to do with Juvenile Courts and child-labour in the South, I'd like to know?

I have suppressed myself hitherto, but I really do not know if I can go on suppressing myself much longer. Oh, what is the matter, Edith what are you frowning at?" "Nothing," replied Edith King; "I did not even know that I was frowning. I was just thinking how nice it was to be trained to be ladylike and to have good manners and all that. Mrs.

The wily beauty had adopted a line of policy that was not the most discreet. She showed a spiteful spirit towards any of her sex who laid claim to personal charms, and often said many bitter things in a way that was neither dignified nor ladylike. It was in such a spirit that Mrs. Arnold returned from a grand ball where she had seen Lord Melrose pay marked attention to the pretty Mrs. Maitland.

Miss Juliet, the thirteenth, a very pretty girl." "Yes," said White, "I know them all; a most delightful family; Mrs. Bland is a charming woman, so very ladylike. It's my good luck to be under the Dean's jurisdiction; I think I shall pull with him capitally." "He's a clever man," said Barry; "his charges are always well written; he had a high name in his day at Cambridge."

On discovering the identity of the English governess with the little girl who had admired the foals, lambs, and chickens in past times, Mrs. Morton gave invitations to tea. She was ladylike, the sons unexceptionable, and no objection could reasonably be made by the Misses Lang, though the acquaintance was regretted by them. Mr.

Well, two years ago a Miss Vanlo, a very ladylike girl, came from home to keep house for her brother, Fred, who had an engineering shop for small repairs by the water side. Suddenly Falk takes to going up to their bungalow after dinner, and sitting for hours in the verandah saying nothing.