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It is recorded that when this picture was hung between one of Mr. Stuart and his lady-love, the hauntings ceased, but that as soon as it was removed they were renewed. Presumably, it was not allowed to remain in the aforesaid position long, for the manifestations appear to have gone on for many years without intermission.

"And now," he said, taking up his short-handled axe, "I am going to make for my lady-love the finest couch for tranquil, restful sleep that mortal ever had." As he strode away toward a grove of firs he was lost to her eyes before he had gone a hundred paces. The night came so swiftly it seemed to her feverish fancies that in the dark the big tree trunks were huddling closer together.

She is a busy woman and so am I, but we generally stay at the Wood House once a year, and Elizabeth comes to me for a few days' rest and refreshment whenever she can spare the time. Alick teases me sometimes about my lady-love, but I assure you that he is very fond of her, and is always delighted to hear she is coming to the Manor House." Malcolm listened to this with deep interest.

They say to him afterwards: "Well, old fellow, the way you were sweet upon your lady-love on that occasion, was a sin! You almost ate her up with your eyes, and at one time you looked as if you were going to dissolve into a sigh, or melt into a smile. At any rate, you are gone go on!"

After you have allowed your lady-love, your inamorata, to catch you saying you are bound body and soul to another woman, and such a woman! ye saints, what a beauty! you ask me to go and set matters right! What the diavolo did you want to go and poke your nose into such a mousetrap for? Via! I am a fool to have helped you at all." "Very likely," said Nino calmly.

Poor Sir Asinus! he had not been well treated by his lady-love we mean the little Martha. That young lady liked the noble knight, but Brutus-like, loved Bathurst more. The worthy Sir Asinus found his graces of mind and person no match for the laughing freckled face of her youthful admirer, and with all the passing hours he grew more sad.

Cliges goes to take leave of Fenice, his lady-love, and to ask her leave to depart; for he would fain commend her to God.

She means to climb it to-night because they have told her that that " His lady-love stopped.

And well he might; for if his lady-love went away in this fashion, there was good reason to suppose that he might never see her again. But Kate said no word to comfort him for how could she in this company? and began to talk rapidly about her preparations. "I suppose until the ship shall sail I may stay with you?" addressing Dame Charter. "Stay here?" exclaimed the good dame.

When you first call your lady-love by her Christian name, you do not like to have the little liberty made a subject of ridicule you feel it by far less if the matter be taken up seriously against you as a crime on your part.