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The Marquise de Mailly received Roy, whom she had never seen before, in bed, and said to him, "C'est toi qui as fait l'Année galante! Bonjour." Later on, the men of letters returned the custom. The day came when Fabre d'Eglantine said to the Duchesse de Rohan, "N'est-tu pas la Chabot?" For Barkilphedro to be "thee'd" and "thou'd" was a success; he was overjoyed by it.

It was said that, in presence of several witnesses, they had undertaken to cast out devils; and they had been apprehended on an accusation of this nature. II., jusqu' a l'annee 1621." This is a contemporary manuscript belonging to the Gerard collection in the Royal Library at the Hague. Its author was a citizen of Valenciennes, and a personal witness of most of the events which he describes.

"Si je t'avais avec moi, et si je restais plus longtemps, je n'aurais pas besoin l'annee prochaine de revenir au mois de juillet. Voila le reve que j'ai fait. Je viendrais a Londres une ou deux fois par semaine seulement, et je t'aurais la-bas. Je ne pense pas vivre sans toi, je meurs d'ennui."

Comme vous le dites fort bien, il y a des bonheurs que la politique ne peut pas empoisonner, et ce sont les plus solides. L'annee 1886, je le crois comme vous, nous reserve des surprises plus dramatiques que celle don't nous venons de voir la fin.

Marett asks, a "misapplication of the ideas of association by similarity and contiguity" amounting to the sympathetic taboos so carefully described by such writers on Magic as MM. Hubert and Mauss of L'Année Sociologique? Still another kind of taboos mentioned by Dr. Frazer but amplified by Mr.

It was said that, in presence of several witnesses, they had undertaken to cast out devils; and they had been apprehended on an accusation of this nature. II., jusqu' a l'annee 1621." This is a contemporary manuscript belonging to the Gerard collection in the Royal Library at the Hague. Its author was a citizen of Valenciennes, and a personal witness of most of the events which he describes.

"Lorsque je fis insérer dans le journal de physique de l'année 1780, au mois de Janvier, une Dissertation contenant la classification des mines de manganèse, je ne connoissois point,

There was a catch in the light, gay voice. "I don't want him," she added, vigorously. "Heavens, no, we never could patch it up! I shall always think of this last twelve months as l'année terrible! My Tawny Adonis was a far more soothing companion than Steve. Nor do I envy you and your future. I don't really want Steve and you deserve him.

The narrative ascribed to Membre, and published by Le Clercq, is based on the document preserved in the Archives Scientifiques de In Marine, entitled Relation de la Decouverte de l'Embouchure de la Riviere Mississippi faite par le Sieur de la Salle, l'annee passee, 1682.

The authorities for the above are Denonville, Champigny, Abbe Belmont, Bishop Saint-Vallier, and the author of Recueil de ce qui s'est passe en Canada au Sujet de la Guerre, etc., depuis l'annee 1682. Belmont, who accompanied the expedition, speaks of the affair with indignation, which was shared by many French officers.