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All this intelligence she wrote home, piecemeal as it came about, from time to time; and at last enclosed a polite note, from the head of the chateau, soliciting, on the occasion of his approaching mission to that neighbourhood, the honour of the company of cet homme si justement celebre, Monsieur le Capitaine Richard Doubledick.

Then another said: 'Ah, messieurs, if you would drink for the honour of England, justement you should match yourselves here in this town against the famous Mont-Bazillac. 'What is this Mont-Bazillac? we asked: and they told us well, pretty much what you told me just now adding, however, that the landlord kept a few precious bottles of it. They were quite fair in their warnings."

"Over the left?" asked the Baron, to intimate his knowledge of another idiom, together with a reproof for my gaucherie. "À gauche, quelquefois c'est justement

'C'est justement les Anglais, he wrote, 'avec leur absurde politique, qui minent desormais le commerce de toutes ces cotes. Ils ont voulu tout remanier et ils sont arrives a faire pire que les Egyptiens et les Turcs, ruines par eux.

"Monsieur," said the soft voice at last, "Monsieur desire savoir si je consens si enfin, si je veux me marier avec lui?" "Justement." "Monsieur sera-t-il aussi bon mari qu'il a ete bon maitre?" "I will try, Frances."

It represented the Cardinal-Generalissimo wearing a casque surrounded by laurels. Above it was inscribed: "Grand Duc: c'est justement que la France t'honore; Ainsi que le dieu Mars dans Paris on t'adore." These fine phrases did not persuade the people that they were happy.

Now answer me in your mother tongue." "Yes, sir, I spoke the English more than the French when I was a child." "Why do you not speak it now?" "Because I have no English friends." "You live with your father, I suppose?" "My father is dead." "You have brothers and sisters?" "Not one." "Do you live alone?" "No I have an aunt ma tante Julienne." "Your father's sister?" "Justement, monsieur."

"But of whom one demands the duties of human beings and the courage of heroes," added Hadria. "Justement," cried Jouffroy. But Madame had taught him a superb truth. For her, he felt a sentiment of admiration and reverence the most profound. She had been to him a revelation. He entreated her to bestow upon him the privilege of watching over her career.

"Helas! un ecrivain justement celebre qui seroit mort de douleur s'il avoit connu ses disciples; un philosophe aussi parfait de sentiment que foible de vues, n'a-t-il pas dans ses pages eloquentes, riches en detail, pauvre au fond, confondu lui-meme les principes de l'art social avec les commencemens de la societe humaine?