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"Two of your men on horseback, Sergeant Quevillon, and at full speed!" "He is far away by this time," said the deputy. "He can be as far as he pleases, but still we must lay hold of him." "I hope so; but I think, Monsieur le Juge d'Instruction, that your efforts should be concentrated here above all. Would you mind reading this scrap of paper, which I have just found in the pocket of the coat?"

The mayor, the juge de paix, and the doctor of Montegnac had been invited. The doctor, a young man twenty-seven years of age, named Roubaud, was extremely desirous of knowing a woman so celebrated in Limoges. The rector was all the more pleased to present him at the chateau because he wanted to gather a little society around Veronique to distract her mind and give it food.

As M. Joyeuse had told the Juge d'Instruction, Paul de Gery returned from Tunis after three weeks' absence.

"Admirable, M. le Juge!" said the detective. "You have been most adroit. It is a clear case." "No doubt," said the Commissary, who was a blunt, rather coarse person, believing that to take anybody and everybody into custody is always the safest and simplest course. "It looks black against her. I think she ought to be arrested at once."

The daughter of an obscure juge d'instruction of the Canton of Vaud, singing in a Swiss meadow, had been taken up by a wealthy American, traveling in Switzerland on an April morning-old, enervated with the sun of the Riviera, and displeased with life.

"No, Monsieur le juge de paix." "I would like to know whether the blows were really dealt with a rake or whether they were given with a blunt instrument. Who is the assailant? And did the rake belong to him or to some one else? Was it really with this that these women were hurt? Or was it, I repeat, with a blunt instrument? Do they wish to lodge a complaint?

For some time past, as I have reminded you, your funds have been running low, fortune has been against you at the tables, and you could not correct it at the Hôtel Paradis as you do with less clever players " "You are taking an unfair advantage of your position, Monsieur le Juge. Any one else who dared accuse me of cheating " "Bah! no heroics.

A seal, or forged copy of the seal, of the Scottish African and East India Company was found on board the 'Worcester, and her captain and crew were judicially interrogated, after the manner of the French Juge d'Instruction. On March 5, 1705, the Scottish Court of Admiralty began the trial of Green and his men.

He gart ilk juge redres the skaithis that come to the party be his wrang sentence; throw quhilk, he decorit his realm with mony nobil actis, and ejeckit the vennomus custome of riotus cheir, quhilk wes inducit afore be Inglismen, quhen thay com with Quene Margaret; for the samin wes noisum to al gud maneris, makand his pepil tender and effeminat.

In order to retain the miserable hundred thousand francs which he had promised me he did not hesitate to plunge up to the neck in this heinous conspiracy. Yes, conspiracy! for the very next day, when I was once more hailed before the juge d'instruction, another confrontation awaited me: this time with that scurvy rogue Theodore.