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Now, I’ve got you alone!” gloated Truax. “I’ll finish you!” A scornful smile curled Jack’s lips as he gazed steadily back at his foe. “Truax, you’re a coward, as well as a sneak.” “I ameh?” With another nasty oath Truax stepped quickly forward, the steel bar upraised. He took but one step, however, for Captain Jack Benson had not retreated an inch.

When Janice returned she caught up a loose lock of hair, and put the placket-hole of her skirt square in the middle of Aunt Mary’s back, and dared go no further. There was an air even about the back of Jack’s influential aunt which forbade too much liberty to those dealing with her.

The world must keep its head clear: yellow fever and smallpox have been nearly stamped out; the Hun can be eliminated with intelligence and clear thinking.... And I’m only an American airman who has been shot down like a winged heron whose comrades have lingered a little to comfort him and have gone on.... Yes, but a winged heron can still stab, little mistress of the bells.... And every blow counts.... Listen attentively for Jack’s sake ... and for the sake of France.

"Here’s to Aunt Mary and her bride and groom, and here’s to their health and their wealth and their happiness. Here’s to their brilliant past, their roseate present and their gorgeous future. And here’s to hoping that Fate, who is ready and willing to deal any man a bride, may some time see fit to deal some one of us another such as Jack’s Aunt Mary. So I propose her health before all else.

"You mark my wordsthem laughs best what laughs last, an’ there’ll be little grinnin’ for him if he ain’t a chalk-walker for one while now." Joshua laughed. But, as a matter of fact, Jack’s situation was suddenly become extremely precarious.

The signal, ’Come uprush!’” broke in Hal, with an odd smile. “Right-o,” nodded Jack Benson. “How on earth did you know what the signal was, Hastings?” demanded Mr. Farnum. “Why, sir, I’ve been sitting so that I could see Jack’s arm. I’ve been reading, from the motions of his right arm, the dots and dashes of the Morse telegraph alphabet.”

Jack’s Easter took him to town for a "little time," and the "little time" ended in the station-house at three o’clock on Sunday morning. Accusation: Producing concussion of the brain on a cab driver. The news was conveyed to Aunt Mary through private advices from Mr. Then, as she re-read the lawyer’s letter, other reflections crowded to the fore in her mind. "Funny!

"I ’clar for’t," said she, "if Marster George has done made such a fool of hisself, I hope she’ll pull his bar a heap worse than she did Jack’s." "No danger but what she will, and yours too," was Rondeau’s consoling reply. "Lord knows," said Aunt Dilsey, "fust time she sasses me, I’ll run away long of Jack and the baby. I’ll tie up my new gown and cap in a handkerchief this night."

It was entirely too large a house party to have handled successfully for very long, but it would be most awfully jolly for three or four days; and now, when the whole crowd were gathered waiting for dinner, the picture was one of such bubbling joy that Jack’s very heavy heart seemed to himself to be terribly out of place there and he wondered whether he should be able to put up even a fairly presentable front during the endless hours that must ensue before the time for breaking up arrived.

Clover and Jack sat down opposite their host and they all three ate and drank with a zest that knew no breaking waves nor sad effects. "Here’s to our aunt," said Clover gayly, as the first course went around; "of course, we all love her for Jack’s sake, but at the same time I offer two to odds that it is a pleasure to converse in under tones occasionally. Who takes?"