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Bent on salmon-killing, I was off this morning at five, hoping to bring home a fish for breakfast. The Upper Indian-house Pool is for Rodman and me to-day, the others going to Patapedia, three miles above.

We then went on to the Lower Indian-house Pool, two miles farther, and Kingfisher made a few casts; but raising no fish, we went up a mile farther to our camping-ground, an island between the two pools, having plenty of wood upon it, with a cold spring brook close by an old and famous camping-place for salmon-fishers and here we intended to make our permanent quarters.

To-day Kingfisher and the Colonel take the Upper Indian-house Pool, and Rodman and I go to the Patapedia. We start at 4 A. M., so as to get the early fishing, always the best. It takes an hour to pole up the three miles, the current being very strong, and when we arrive the pool is yet white with the morning mist.

'My m m mouth is full of guts, was all that I could say; and the girl would never speak to me afterward." Rodman. "That was lucky, for you got a wife better able to bear with your little foibles." Kingfisher. "I did, sir." July 8. Rodman and I were to take the Upper Indian-house Pool to-day, the others going to the Patapedia.

Six miles from Tom's Brook we came to the first salmon-pool, of which there were six in the portion of the river assigned to us viz.: First, Big Cross Pool; second, Lower Indian-house Pool; third, Upper Indian-house Pool; fourth, Patapediac Pool, called by the Indians Paddypajaw; fifth, Red Bank Pool; sixth, Little Cross Pool.