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It is considered as a personal quarrel, not a public question; by which means the dignity of the body is implicated in resenting the slips and inadvertencies of its members, not in promoting their common and declared objects. In this sort of wretched tracasserie the Barrys and H s stand no chance with the Catons, the Tubbs, and F s.

"'No, he says, 'rattlesnakes is all right good, sociable, moral snakes enough; but in a sperit of humor they may bite you or some play like that, an' thar you'd be. No; bull-snakes is as 'fectionate as rattles, an' don't run to p'ison. You don't have no inadvertencies with 'em. "'Can't you bust the fangs outen rattlesnakes? I asks.

Though the late continuators of the Iliad were able, despite certain inadvertencies, to keep up for some four centuries in Asia the harmonious picture of ancient Achaean life and society in Europe, critics can distinguish four separate strata, the work of many different ages, in the Iliad. Of these six elements only did the original poem consist, Mr.

'Hang the spellin', muttered Jack, 'one can always borrow a dictionary; or let the man of the paper the editor, as they call him smooth out the spellin'. You say at the end of your letter, that your hands are cold, or your hand aches with holdin' a pullin' horse, and you'll thank him to correct any inadvertencies you needn't call them errors, you know.

We are not boy and girl, to be captiously irritable, misled by every moment's inadvertence, and wantonly playing with our own happiness." And yet, a few minutes afterwards, she felt as if their being in company with each other, under their present circumstances, could only be exposing them to inadvertencies and misconstructions of the most mischievous kind.

Let me worship an angel, said I, no woman. Forgive me, dearest creature! creature if you be, forgive me! forgive my inadvertencies! forgive my inequalities! pity my infirmities! Who is equal to my Clarissa? I trembled between admiration and love; and wrapt my arms about her knees, as she sat.

He has the ball at his feet, and above all, that without which worldly success soon palls, a happy home, a fireside warm with sympathy. Mrs. Staines is an admiring, sympathizing wife, and an admirable housekeeper. She still utters inadvertencies now and then, commits new errors at odd times, but never repeats them when exposed.

Touching those documents relating to the affair of Christopher Craig's brother " "Shut up!" " it is one of the strangest inadvertencies you ever heard of, Mr. Bullard, but the fact remains that, eighteen months ago, I delivered to you not the originals but copies " Bullard wheeled round. "Don't try that game, Marvel.

If this be true, and that it is cannot be gainsaid, the sooner the transfer is made the better. The fire, which now is localized, should be put out quickly, lest it spread. A thousand accidents, contingencies, inadvertencies, may lead to the very complications which all of the European powers, except Spain, are anxious to avoid.

His heart was, besides, almost broken already; and his spirits were so sunk, that he could say nothing for himself; but acknowledged the whole, and, like a criminal in despair, threw himself upon mercy; concluding, "That though he must own himself guilty of many follies and inadvertencies, he hoped he had done nothing to deserve what would be to him the greatest punishment in the world."