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'And do you like horses? asked his lordship, darting sharply round on Emily, who had been yielding, or rather submitting, to the precedence of her sister. 'Oh yes; and hounds, too! replied she eagerly. 'And hounds, too! exclaimed his lordship, with a start, and another hearty bang of the fist, adding, 'well, now, I like a woman that likes hounds.

Do your work, King. I am solitary among your myriads, but you cannot bend me." "So be it," said Houlagou. "I ask two boons as one about to die. Let me fall in battle against your warriors. And let me spend the hours till sundown alone, for I would prepare myself for my journey." "So be it," said Houlagou, and turned to his hounds.

The poor dear old boy seems to have had nobody belonging to him and very little in the way of possessions. I never knew anything of him except that he was, or had been, in the Blues, and that he was about the best man in England to hounds on a bad horse. It now turns out that his father made some money in India, a sort of Commissary purveyor, and bought a commission for him twenty-five years ago.

We could not have got at them even with hounds, so continuously far stretching and impenetrable the forest was, and the only thing we had to help us was Fox, the ship's dog, an excellent pointer by the way, the pet of everybody on board.

He detailed what Michael was to do on landing the hounds, and laid out plans for the immediate future. "They're in danger at Salem, Michael, so we must help them. The hounds will settle this whole wretched business." Michael told him of his prisoner, and what effect the threat about the hounds had had. A look of purpose came into Dyck's face.

But the Bodkins, and the Blakes, and the Persses were quite alive to this, and so also was Tom Daly. A council of war was therefore held, in order that the line of conduct might be adopted which might be held to be most conducive to the general dignity of the hunt. "I should send the hounds home," said Lord Ardrahan. "If Mr.

"The qualities most obvious are not those of the mystic, but of the manly out-of-door sportsman who may seem to be nothing more than a bluff Englishman who rides to the hounds and does his ordinary duties. Yet one of these red-coated cavaliers would, I have not the least doubt, if occasion called for it, show himself capable of the very highest heroism.

Children's voices, and the bay of hounds, come wafted to us from the northern shore. A steamer's wake rolls along our island strand, dangerously near the camp-fire; the river is still falling, however, and we no longer fear the encroachments of the flood. The Doctor and I found a secluded nook, where in the moonlight we took our final plunge.

“Do you mean to charge me with letting your hounds looseexclaimed Hiram, with a consciousness that disarmed his caution. “Looserepeated the hunter ” I let them loose my self. I always let them loose before I leave the hutThe ungovernable amazement with which Mr.

Whence he derived the courage to confess this, he knew not, and neither the blow from her fan, nor the warning exclamation of the nurse: "Just look at the boy!" sobered him. Nay, his sparkling eyes sought hers still mote frequently as he continued his story. One of the hounds which attacked him he had flung against a rock, and the other he pelted with stones till it fled howling into a thicket.