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I want to see if what it says is any nearer being horse-sense than the other one is." "The other one!" exclaimed the amazed chorus again. "Oh, yes, there's another one," spoke up William Streeter tersely. "And I've read it all but the scrawl at the end. There couldn't anybody read that!" Higgins laughed. "Well, I'm free to confess 't is a sticker that name," he admitted.

It was not because of crime that "He buckles up his talk like the bellyband on a broncho," as Malachi Deely, the exile from Tralee, said of him; and Deely was a man of "horse-sense," no doubt because he was a horse-doctor "a veterenny surgeon," as his friends called him when they wished to flatter him.

I've every inclination to drop it! If you haven't horse-sense enough if you haven't innate delicacy sufficient to keep you from making such a break " "I didn't! It wasn't a break, Mortimer. I wouldn't have hurt you " "You did hurt me! How can I feel the same again? I never imagined you thought I was that sort of a social mercenary.

Do not let the new home proclaim by its barrenness that it is the abode of a poor young man asking sympathy and aid of his friends. "Yes, rent a piano, by all means. Do not economize on your wife and your home," advised an old Methodist preacher noted for his horse-sense. And he was right. After all, what is the purpose and end of all your labor?

The oxen switched at the first nipping insects of the morning, and the ponies and mules, with that horse-sense that all horsemen have observed in them at times, stood as if waiting for a decision to be made. Beverly Clarenden was first to speak. "If anybody goes after Gail, it's me, and I'll not stop till I get him," he cried, all the brotherly love of a lifetime in his ringing voice. "And me!"

"Of father. He went to the far country, you know." Perry Larson snorted angrily. "See here, boy, for once, if ye can, talk horse-sense! Surely, even YOU don't expect me ter believe that he's sent you that money from from where he's gone to!" "Oh, no. He left it." "Left it! Why, boy, you know better! There wa'n't a cent hardly found on him." "He gave it to me before by the roadside."

"You're absolutely sure, for instance, that God made just one man the mate of one woman, aren't you?" "As sure as that I live." "Where did you learn it?" "So long ago I can't remember." "Not in your Bible?" "No." "The Sunday school?" "No." "Craddock didn't tell you that, did he?" "Hardly " "I thought not. He has too much horse-sense in spite of his emotional gymnastics.

Once we reach the coast we are practically free." "The very thing!" cried the boy. "You're a genius!" Watson smiled. "Not a genius," he said, "but I have what they call horse-sense up our way and I'm not anxious to return to the delights of the Atlanta prison." Acting upon this new theory the wanderers began their long journey.

August to August's what I'm goin' to put up to him." "Correct. If he demonstrates to me that within the calendar year he's made a net profit of ten thousand dollars from the property by the way, isn't that rather steep?" "No. Man's in there now's made three thousand and manhandled it. Just horse-sense and some alterations and advertising'll bring it up to ten." "You're the doctor.

"I think you're clever, and that you've got plenty of horse-sense, as they say in the West, but you'll be beaten in the end. How does it feel" she asked it with provoking candour "to be the boss of big things?" "I know I'm always settling troubles my business foes make for me. I have to settle one of them now, and I'm glad I've met you, for you can help me. I want some new river-rules made.