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"You'll know as soon as is good for you." "I don't believe it will ever be good for me," said poor Aggie. "It isn't good for anybody to be near a holdup. And I don't want to be in a moving picture with no teeth. I'm not a vain woman," she said, "but I draw the line at that." But Tish ignored her. "The only trouble," she said, "is having one revolver.

"My sister, who is a very clever girl detective, as you may know some day." After the boys had made secure the three men at the head of the train robbers' syndicate, they went to the cabin in which Ted had so nearly lost his life, and secured the rest of the robbers. Next morning at daylight they found the body of Checkers lying beside the fatal red car not far from the scene of the holdup.

All this bother he had been to, all his efforts with old McCrae, his practical holdup of Carrol, even he owned it to himself frankly his failure to push the construction work as fast as he might had been for her and because of her. And what was the answer? "Surely," said Farwell, straightening himself in the saddle, "surely to blazes I'm not getting fond of the girl!"

As Leloo came slowly upon them, the big driver called, "Who's there ahead in the trail? Who's shooting around here?" "Go back, you!" cried the boy. "Two bad men's up trail. They shoot you. They get gold." "Gee whiz!" yelled Big Bill, bringing his six-in-hand to a standstill. "Holdup, eh? I declare, but that's a narrow escape. I guess Big Bill won't cross the divide to-night."

With them Tish caught four trout and, broiling them nicely, she offered one to poor Aggie. It was a peace offering, and taken as such, so that we were soon on our former agreeable footing, and all forgotten. The next day it rained, and we were obliged to sit in the tent. Bill sat with us, and talked mainly of desperadoes. "As I observed before," he said, "there hasn't been any tourist holdup yet.

"You've got all to-morrow to see me in, haven't you?" "My business won't wait." Grumbling, the producing director got up. Presently he opened the door and stood revealed in a dressing-gown over his pajamas. "What do you want, my anxious friend?" "We've been held up." "Held up!" A slow grin spread over Threewit's fat good-natured face. "Well, I'll bet Mr. Holdup didn't get a mint off you lads."

The finding of the stocking-footed roan near Noches so soon after the robbery disposed of Healy's lie, though it did not prove that Keller had not been riding it at the time of the holdup. As for Healy, Yeager confessed he saw no way of implicating him. His alibi was just as good as that of any of them.

"But, vicious as it was, neither Shanklin nor you, his side-partner, has ever made a squeal. If it was a holdup, why haven't you sent one of your little sheriffs out after me?" "I'm no partner of Hun Shanklin's!" denied Boyle. "Maybe you've parted company since the night you slugged me and nailed me up in that box for the river to hide your work."

"That gal looks half like she was scared, hoss," he reflected. "I wonder, now, if she got me wrong. Dang it! Maybe she thought I was trying to flirt with her. Well, maybe I was." He thrust a hand in a pocket and fingered the two objects he had picked up in the road at the scene of the holdup. Then he pulled his hat a bit forward over his eyes and increased his pace.

First off, there's your little girl, to find if she is still alive. Second, we must locate Dave Henderson or his grave. Third, there's something due the scoundrel who is responsible for this. Fourthly, brethren, there's that map section to find. And lastly, we've got to find just how this story you've told me got mixed with the story of the holdup of the Limited.