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My hope is that in this enlightened century the Divine Light of love will shed its radiance over the whole world, seeking out the responsive heart’s intelligence of every human being; that the light of the Sun of Truth will lead politicians to shake off all the claims of prejudice and superstition, and with freed minds to follow the Policy of God: for Divine Politics are mighty, man’s politics are feeble!

Whilst condemning the priesthood, Mechthild eulogises nunnery life in an allegory entitledThe Ghostly Cloister,” in which she pictures the virtues as dwelling. “Charityis the abbess, who with zeal takes care of the congregation in both body and soul; “Godly Humilityis the chaplain; “The Holy Peace of Godis the prioress; andLoving Kindnessis the sub-prioress. “Hopeis the chantress, filled with holy, humble devotion, that the heart’s feebleness may sound beautiful in song before God, so that God may love the notes that sing in the heart; “Wisdomis the schoolmistress, who with all good-will teaches the ignorant, so that the convent is held holy and honoured; “Bountyis the cellaress; “Mercythe stewardess; andPitythe sick-nurse.

The Abhá Beauty bears me witness and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is my testimony that no word can possibly express how indissoluble are the ties of spiritual communion and fellowship that bind us to the loved ones of God and to the handmaids of the Merciful. 44: The deep heart’s love and the longing of the ...

All the brightness of my own country is without meaning for me henceforth, if I have not you to share it with me as my heart’s true love.” Wooed thus, the Shadow Witch hesitated no longer. She turned to him in a flood of love and longing.

So for nineteen years and nine months he lived in great state, having his heart’s desire in all things; but, when his twenty years were nearly run through, there was no wretcheder man in all the world than that poor fellow.

He might amuse himself just as he pleased, in regular bachelor style, and she never complained of neglect; he might come home at any hour of the night or morning, or not come home at all; be sullen, sober, or glorious drunk; and play the fool or the madman to his own heart’s desire, without any fear or botheration. She never gives him a word of reproach or complaint, do what he will.

Myself. Take another draughtstout liquorTinker. I can’t, young man, my heart’s too full, and what’s more, the pitcher is empty. Myself. And so he swore you, I suppose, on the Bible, to quit the roads? Tinker. You are right, he did so, the gypsy villain. Myself. Gypsy! Is he a gypsy? Tinker. Not exactly; what they call a half-and-half.

Yours is a great privilege and a noble mission; may He enable you to achieve your heart’s desire. Your true brother, Shoghi 8 April 1927 Dear Bahá’í brothers and sisters, The beloved Guardian, Shoghi Effendi, thanks you for your good Naw-Rúz letter to him, dated 1 Bahá 84.

But, poor fellow!’ added he, with a sentimental sigh‘his heart’s brokenthat’s the truth of itand his head’s—’

When will a faithful seeker be found who will don the garb of pilgrimage, attain the Ka’bih of the heart’s desire, and, without ear or tongue, discover the mysteries of divine utterance? By these luminous, these conclusive, and lucid statements, the meaning ofheavenin the aforementioned verse hath thus been made clear and evident.