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"Now," said the heir apparent to the Prince Regency of Manhattan, "there are two things still" possible. First, you might ring up police headquarters and ask for aid; next, request assistance from fire headquarters." "If I do," she said, "wouldn't the newspapers get hold of it?" "You are perfectly right," he said.

Upon this our Lieutenant halted proceedings and sent word back to headquarters and word came back that after we filled in the hole we could knock off for the night. This was welcome tidings to us, because Next day the General changed the dot on his map and another emplacement was completed the following night. The odor from a dug-up, decomposed human body has an effect which is hard to describe.

In the two electoral headquarters established by Moncada's party, the coming and going never stopped; some enthusiastic Moncadists came to headquarters every fifteen minutes, to bring rumours going about and to get news. Don So-and-So had said this; Uncle What's-His-Name was thinking of doing that; it was nothing but conferences and machinations.

If you delay too long, if you give any one a hold against you, I can answer for nothing. Now, am I to go?" "Wait a little. I will see the Marshal," replied Hulot, "and I will send my brother to see which way the wind blows at headquarters."

The Ten Hundred moved forward grouped in artillery formation, C., D., and B. Companies moving onward in that line from right to left; A. Company and Battalion Headquarters followed in reserve. The staggering surprise of the British attack completely shattered the morale of what German elements were holding the sector.

It was a letter from the American Headquarters, offering him immediate work in the American Intelligence Department at Coblentz. "Some friends of mine there, seem to have been getting busy about me. You see I know German pretty well." And he explained to her that as a boy he had spent a year in Germany before going to Yale. She scarcely listened, so absorbed was she in the official letter.

"Exactly, and we'll have to pay the milliners. That is what bothers me. I was going to lead this expedition to London, Paris, and New York, admiral. That is where the money is, and to get it you've got to go ashore, to headquarters. You cannot nowadays find it on the high seas. Modern civilization," said Kidd, "has ruined the pirate's business.

I thought of course he'd introduce me to the strike leaders, and he tells me he doesn't know one of them. Perhaps you know them," she added, with sudden inspiration. "I'm only an employee at Strike Headquarters," Janet replied, stiffening a little despite the lady's importuning look which evidently was usually effective. "You mean the I.W.W.?" "Yes."

It was made up of men from the middle sections of the State, a company to every few counties with battalion headquarters in three of the smaller cities, Truesdale for one. In the city regiments was a blue-stocking element which did not fit the Governor's present needs.

So soon as Stuart discovered his loss he blamed him for it, and, being in a fury, he flew to Police Headquarters, secured the services of a friendly detective, and, going to the hotel that he knew Stoneman frequented, had him arrested on a charge of robbing him.