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You see, I assign each one to a department of work, and she is the head-nurse of that department. Then by turn I send them out to do private nursing, and the sums they earn are turned into the hospital for caring for the poor who cannot help themselves. Mrs. Wong is nursing Mrs.

Behind the head-nurse is the under-under-nurse's drudge, who is just going out upon some errands. Lastly for by this time we have got all round the chapel we arrive at the Virgin's grandmother's-body-guard, a stately, responsible-looking lady, standing in waiting upon her mistress. I put it to the reader is it conceivable that St.

I should have found her long before this if the idiots had not broken all my bottles, and crystals, and retorts, and mirrors, and spilled all the magic fluids, so that I cannot practice any white magic at all. The idea of looking for a princess in a bottle that comes of pinning one's faith upon philosophy!" "Then you cannot find the Princess by white magic?" the Head-nurse asked timidly.

Then two Head-nurses rushed in, and two Foster-mothers, and ever so many pairs of nursery attendants, each taking the part of their respective nurslings, and there was a terrible to-do, for, of course, one Head-nurse said it was the fault of the other Head-nurse, and so on.

"Hush!" whispered the newcomer, "I bring a message from King Humâyon. I must see Foster-father at once." The good man was already between the quilts, but he got up quickly, and when he had heard the message he sent for Head-nurse and Foster-mother and Old Faithful, for he felt that a most momentous decision had to be made. Yet the message was a very simple one.

So he must have been sent by some one; and therefore some one must be alive and desire him to know the fact. In truth, both his wife, Foster-mother, and Head-nurse had been racking their brains how to find out where either the Heir-to-Empire or Foster-father were imprisoned until little Bija had said, "Tell Tumbu to seek for them. If you show him Mirak's cap and say, 'Go seek, he will go."

Never, said Head-nurse, had been such a darling little marionette, and when the small person fell gracefully at her brother's feet and begged his favour in a little piping voice, that stern believer in court etiquette was perfectly enchanted.

And Adam enjoyed himself, also, running on in front and making snowballs in the drifts which, ere long, were to be seen sheltering from the sun in the clefts of the rocks. The sight of them made Foster-father frown. "We go too high," he said. "Heaven send we have not to climb to a higher pass." His remark made Head-nurse give way altogether.

Create the scullion Prime Minister, so I have my sleep." And he was snoring almost before the words were out of his mouth. So next morning Head-nurse, refusing the baggage camel with panniers which Prince Askurry sent for the use of the little Heir-to-Empire, organised a procession of her own.

What gibberish are they talking?" shrilled poor Head-nurse, trying to keep hope alive by being angry. The man who spoke Persian looked at her cheerfully. "Only that perhaps the dog has eaten the child. We keep it hungry that it may chase the wild animals." This was too much for the womankind. They simply rent the air with heartbroken sobs.