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Sir George, who is one of the nicest Englishmen we ever met, pulled off his cap and cried out: "All hats off to the Stars and Stripes!" In an instant every hat was whipped off, ours included, although there was some wrestling with hat-pins before we could get them off. All, did I say? All all except the German! He folded his arms across his breast and kept his hat on.

"Mine?" exclaimed Lady Nora, and she put her hands up to her hat-pins, to reassure herself. "Yes," said the cardinal, "I fear that it is quite gone." Lady Nora looked at him with questioning eyes. "Yes," she said, "I must have lost it, for I do not understand you, and I have not always been dull."

She went into the hall, where her hat, transfixed by a couple of hat-pins, hung above her jacket, assumed these garments, and let herself out into the cold grey street. She had hardly gone twenty yards from Lagune's door before she became aware of a man overtaking her and walking beside her.

"I can't say it sounds better than the architectural show," she said, pulling out her hat-pins. "That part wasn't," agreed Griffin, "though a bit more sporting perhaps. But what came after was. Mary Miller, the model, told us the most wonderful story her own life, first in the bush in Australia and then here in New York and Chicago; and who do you think she is?"

'No, said Lushington, 'I suppose you couldn't. 'You had your revenge afterwards, though you did not know it, Margaret answered. 'What sort of revenge? 'Monsieur Logotheti was detestable. It would have given me the greatest satisfaction to have stuck hat-pins into him, ever so many of them, as thick as the quills on a porcupine! Lushington laughed, in a colourless way.

Mortimer, "Everybody's getting ready to meet you with a brass band. What did you do with Father?" The girl moved away, putting her hands up to her hat uncertainly as though about to take out the hat-pins. There was between the three a moment of that constraint which accompanies the transition from emotional intensity down to an everyday level.

This plea struck her daughter as not without weight. "Well, did he?" she asked, drawing out her hat-pins and tossing down her hat on the onyx table. "Why, no he just conversed. He was lovely to me, but I couldn't make out what he was after," Mrs. Spragg was obliged to own. Her daughter looked at her with a kind of chill commiseration. "You never CAN," she murmured, turning away.

The embroidered blotting-book, the silver pen-tray, the wicker work-basket lined with blue satin, the long worked pin-cushion stuck with Betty's sparkling hat-pins, all these, commonplace at Long Barton were here not commonplace. There was nothing of Paula's lying about. She had brought nothing with her, and had fetched nothing from her room save clothes dresses and hats of the plainest.

But she kept her eyes on the stranger, and let them wander disapprovingly over her apparel in a pointed way as she took out the long hat-pins from the cumbersome hat she wore and adjusted her ponderous pompadour. "Lizzie'll have to help fix you up," said the aunt noting Lizzie's glance. "You're all out of style. I suppose they get behind times out in Montana.

"Are you surprised that I did not wait for an introduction?" the girl in the riding clothes asked, noticing Mary’s evident uneasiness; "but you don’t know how good it is to see a girl. I’m so tired of spurs and sombreros and cattle and dust and distance, and there’s nothing else here." "Where I come from it’s just the other waytoo many petticoats and hat-pins."