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"It was one of the rangers," said Hanky impatiently, "who had gone a little beyond the statues, and come back again." "Then we should have seen his footprints as he went. I am glad I measured them." "There is nothing in it; but what were your measurements?" "Eleven inches by four and a half; nails on the soles; one nail missing on the right foot and two on the left."

He and she parted excellent friends, but I know what she thinks. I shall be sure to see him while he is in Sunch'ston, I shall have to be civil to him but it makes me sick to think of it." "When shall you see him?" said my father, who was alarmed at learning that Hanky and the Ranger were likely to meet. Who could tell but that he might see Panky too?

Many other guests of less note were there, but the lions of the evening were the two Professors whom we have already met with, and more particularly Hanky, who took the Mayoress in to dinner. Panky, of course, wore his clothes reversed, as did Principal Crank and Professor Gabb; the others were dressed English fashion.

It kindles for the ridiculous Hanky and Panky, professors respectively of worldly wisdom and worldly unwisdom at Bridgeford, and hence, according to Mr. Acklom, the antipathy toward Butler of all college professors.

It was all to shew that there had been no possibility of mistake. Meanwhile George was writing on a scrap of paper as though he was taking notes of the sermon. Presently he slipped this into my father's hand. It ran: "You see those vergers standing near my brothers, who gave up their seats to us. Hanky tried to goad you into speaking that they might arrest you, and get you into the Bank prisons.

In vain did Hanky try to put fresh life into his sermon; its back had been broken, and large numbers left the church to see what they could hear outside, or failing information, to discourse more freely with one another. Hanky did his best to quiet his hearers when he found that he could not infuriate them,

They kill and pound it up to make it good, and soon they eat in honour of the genelmen and ladies who have been so kind this naice trip." "I should like to kill them!" gasped Monny, preparing to cry, and flinging herself into Biddy's arms. "Oh somebody give me a hanky quick!" We all felt mechanically in our pockets; but I, being nearest, was first in the field.

"Not yet; but the Professors will be next month for Hanky is still Professor. Dr. Downie backed out of it. He said it was enough to be a Sunchildist without being a Sunchild Saint. He worships the jumping cat as much as the others, but he keeps his eye better on the cat, and sees sooner both when it will jump, and where it will jump to.

During the very short time that we can be together, you shall be paid in full, and may heaven protect us both." As soon as my father could speak he said, "But how did your mother find out that I was in Erewhon?" "Hanky and Panky were dining with her, and they told her some things that she thought strange.

"Yes," said Hanky with a gruff laugh, whereon George released him and he held up both his hands. Panky did not hold up his, whereon Hanky said, "Hold up your hands, Panky, can't you? We are really very well out of it." Panky, hardly lifting his head, sobbed out, "I think we ought to have our f-f-fo-fo-four pounds ten returned to us."