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The entrance was entirely cleared! undoubtedly the crowds were returning to the village after the General's pardon. . . . Desnoyers was half way down the avenue when he heard a howling sound composed of many voices, a hair-raising shriek such as only womanly desperation can send forth. At the same time, the air was vibrating with snaps, the loud cracking sound that he knew from the day before.

Misther Daniel O'Shea, of County Kerry, stated that the great hippotamus had actually been named Miss Murphy! A hijeous baste from a dissolute counthry inhabited wid black nagurs, to be named after an Oirish gyurl! Mr. O'Shea uncorked the vials of his wrath, and poured out his anger with a bubble, the meeting palpitating with hair-raising horror. Some other animal was called Miss Bridget.

Though a cordon of husky marines about me was a protection against any possible danger, yet, stealing along through that wild valley in the Virginia mountains toward the dark masses of that fanatic city, the silent progress of the long, dark line through the night, their mysterious disappearance, one by one, as we neared the city, the creepy, hair-raising journey through the dark streets I shall never forget for the rest of my life the sinking feeling in my abdomen and the throbbing in my head.

His efforts to improve Leith and the State in general, to ameliorate the condition of his neighbours, were fittingly and delicately dwelt upon. A desire to take upon himself the burden of citizenship led as we know to further self-denial. Crewe is quoted here at length in an admirable, concise, and hair-raising statement given in an interview to his biographer.

Waal, that was a neat little surprise party, but it didn't work." Round the curve they tore, at a hair-raising gait, but the engine stuck to the metals. Ten minutes later a cheer went up, as the red-brick station, which they knew must mark the Esmeralda switch, came in sight. "I got the switch key from Whiting," cried Buck, as they reached the switch, "I'll throw it."

Returning safely to Abbéville, they would write hair-raising accounts of the dangers they had passed through to the motor-cycling papers. It is only right that I should here once and for all confess there is no finer teller of tall stories than the motor-cyclist despatch rider....

Had she not carried me away in precisely the same manner once upon a time? Gunton-Cresswell were not serious. He thanked me, but said I had frightened her to such good purpose that the date would now have to stand. "You will not he surprised to hear," he added, "that I have called in all my work. I shall want every penny I make. The expenses of an engaged man are hair-raising.

'Twas about ten o'clock, and we'd just got in from a street performance. I was in the tent with the lantern, figuring up the day's profits. John Tom hadn't taken off his Indian make-up, and was sitting by the campfire minding a fine sirloin steak in the pan for the Professor till he finished his hair-raising scene with the trained horses.

Rob and I then kept on over the hill, and when we neared the haunted house, we heard hair-raising sounds. "If I hadn't been here before," remarked Rob, "I should think that Sitting Bull had been reincarnated and was reviving the warrior war whoops." We paused on the threshold. A human windmill of whirling legs and arms Polydore legs and arms flashed before our eyes. "Stop!" I thundered.

Despite the actual demonstration and the field of imagination which was opened up, these early flights proved to be a world's wonder only for a moment. For years aviation dragged on. Daredevils and adventurers took it up to make money by hair-raising exploits at various meets and exhibits.