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The fact was, the captain did not know which way to put the ship's head; and he walked up and down in deep thought. "Mr Keene, is it your watch?" "No, sir." "Oblige me by telling the master to work up the reckoning; I wish to know exactly where we are." "It is done already, sir," replied I, "and pricked off on the chart I have just left the gun-room."

I went down into the gun-room, for the doctor preferred being there to the cockpit, as there was so much more room to operate, and I gave him the captain's message. He was very busy taking off a poor fellow's leg. It was a horrible sight and made me sick and faint. As soon us the bone had been sawed off, he said

He had laid down after breakfast on a sofa in the first lieutenant's cabin, and gone fast asleep. About luncheon-time he awoke, and rubbing his eyes sat up, and feeling hungry after all the excitement and fright he had gone through, arose and went into the gun-room.

She went with him, therefore, with the feeling of one who has signed a truce with the enemy, and in a couple of minutes they were securely closeted in the gun-room, with the door locked against all intruders, and all thoughts of Aunt Philippa and any other troublous problems as resolutely excluded from their minds. The hours of the morning literally flew.

When I came back, I let myself in quietly by the door which I had left unbolted, and had just got half-way up the back stairs when I heard footsteps in the passage below, and crouched down behind the banisters. I saw you come along the passage, carrying an electric lantern in one hand and your rifle in the other. I saw you look round anxiously before opening the gun-room door and going in.

When I went down into the gun-room, to look through it, I at once perceived that if rigidly conformed to, every officer in the ship would be rendered uncomfortable; and if not conformed to, I should be the party that was answerable.

Friends of the officers stationed in New South Wales sent on board the Guardian great quantities of private goods, and these were stored in the gun-room, which it was thought would be a safer place than the hold, but, as the event proved, it was the most insecure.

This fact being well known to Mr. Tillinghast, and finding that the Cartel had brought forty prisoners, he allowed five of our comrades in the Gun-room to answer to the names of the same number of our crew who had died; and having disguised them in the garb of common seamen, they passed unsuspected. "It was nearly sunset when we had all arrived on board the Cartel.

On one side of the gun-room a party of fifteen or twenty were seated cross-legged on the deck in a circle, stripped to their shirts, with their handkerchiefs laid up like ropes in their hands. A great coat and a sleeve-board, which they had borrowed from the marine tailor, who was working on the main-deck, lay in the centre, and they pretended to be at work with their needles on the coat.

The purser, Simon Cheeseparings that isn't his real name was a slopseller in Wapping, but outran his creditors and had to come to sea to escape from Newgate; and the doctor's a Scotchman whose name begins with Mac, and for brevity's sake Mac he is always called. Now you know all about the gun-room officers; but the best fellows, out and out, are in our berth.