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He became the father of five sons; of whom Jaus, and Jalomus, and Coreus, were by one wife, whose name was Alibama; but of the rest, Aliphaz was born to him by Ada, and Raguel by Basemmath: and these were the sons of Esau. Aliphaz had five legitimate sons; Theman, Omer, Saphus, Gotham, and Kanaz; for Amalek was not legitimate, but by a concubine, whose name was Thamna.

Out of politeness he asked the young cynic the universal query of the Street: "What do you think of 'em?" He meant stocks. "What difference does it make what I think?" sneered Freeman, with proud humility. "I'm nobody." But he looked as if he did not agree with himself. "What do you know?" pursued Gilmartin mollifyingly. "I know enough to be long of Gotham Gas.

'And if my mind serves me, you have driven her forty times. 'Quite correct, sir, and more, said Gotham. 'The point h'is, Mr. Falkirk, what's to be done when young gents come taking the h'orders h'out of my very 'ands, sir? 'Knock 'em down. 'The first natural h'impulse, sir.

Take that portmantle upon thine owne shoulders to ease the poore Beast." And in our own time it is told of an Irish exciseman with a keg of smuggled whisky. How such stories came to be transferred to the men of Gotham, it were fruitless to inquire.

Looking upon him as almost a brother, it is little wonder that Dyke Darrel took the man from Gotham into his confidence to a considerable extent.

Ellis said, after a silence: "That gambling outfit from the West has bedevilled one or two good citizens in Gotham town." Dr. Bailey shrugged his big, fat shoulders. "It's no secret, I suppose, that the Minnisink crowd is being talked about," he grunted. Ellis said in a low but perfectly distinct voice: "Neither is it any secret that Jack Dysart has been hit hard in National Ice."

In accordance, then, with this parental admonition, they betook themselves home, well fatigued, but as ready to fight as any good men ought to be when satisfied that arms were necessary to the maintenance of law; which, however much I may blush to acknowledge it, was the case in Gotham, which was in sad disorder-not from any bad spirit between its citizens, but merely the curious antics of a very ambitious mayor.

It was theatre-time when Selwyn left his hotel and walked over to Broadway. That diagonal, much-advertised avenue of Gotham was ablaze with light. From shop windows, from illuminated signs, from office buildings, street-cars, and motors, the carnival of theatre-hour was lit with glaring brilliancy.

They were by no means limited to Cornwall, though the Duchy was very plentifully supplied. The typical instance in England is that of the unfortunate men of Gotham, whom it is amusing to find old Ray seriously defending in his Proverbs, where he says that "as for Gotham, it doth breed as wise people as any which causelessly laugh at their simplicity. Sure I am, Mr.

Her arrival in Gotham, she dreams, is a great event. Indeed, a whole column and a half of the very conservative and highly respectable old Observer is taken up with an elaborate and well-written history of her many virtues. The venerable old lady dreams herself into dusky evening, and wakes to find old Rebecca summoning her to tea. She is exceedingly sorry the old slave disturbed her.