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"Well, please yourself," quoth the tinker; "you shall have the books for four bob, and you can pay me next month." "Four bobs, four shillings? it is a great sum," said Lenny; "but I will lay by, as you are kind enough to trust me: good-evening, Mr. Sprott."

She was in the parlor one evening, however, sitting with De Forest near the door, when Denham came in, but he merely bowed to her and passed on to the other end of the room, where Mrs. Lane was seated with Mr. and Mrs. Hardcastle. Mr. Hardcastle rose at once to receive him. "Ah, good-evening, good-evening. Pray take a seat. I am delighted to see you.

"Good-evening; will you walk in?" he said. It was a pleasant, cheery voice, one to make a sick person feel well. "Please step into the office." Robert entered a room smelling of rhubarb, jalap, ipecac, and other medicines in bottles and packages on the shelves. Sincere and hearty were the thanks of Doctor Warren for the present. "I want Mrs. Warren to make your acquaintance," he said.

Toombs appeared to be now about forty-five years of age, but carried in his whole mien the elastic vigor, and irresistible self-reliance, frankness, decision, and sociality of character, which mark his oratory and his public career. His good-evening, and inquiry concerning the college named on the card of the writer, were in a tone that at once placed his visitor at ease.

"I 'm much obliged for your escort," said Maud, as she stood upon her doorstep. "Not at all. Great pleasure, I 'm sure." "Good-evening." "Good-evening." And she disappeared within the door. Arthur walked away with a slow, mechanical step.

But Bill Reynolds neither dealt in nor appreciated such refinements upon the good old ways of communicating sentiments. "Good-evening, Miss Valeyon," exclaimed he. "I guess we didn't expect to see one another again to-night. Pray don't imagine, miss, that I bear you any grudge. At times like this personal considerations don't count not with me.

As I made my way into the porch, a very big man without his coat passed me with a civil 'good-evening. I thought it must be Nathaniel, from his great height, and of course the prim-looking little widow in black, standing on the threshold, was Mrs. Barton. She had a nice, plaintive face, and spoke in a mild, deprecating voice. 'Good-evening, Mrs. Barton. What dreadful weather!

But it was a young rector, who had recently accepted the call to Saint James' Church, and his boyish face, rising out of the sacred past, awoke her with a shock from the dream into which she had fallen. "Good-evening, Mrs. Treadwell. Were you coming to see me?" he asked eagerly, pleased, she could see, by the idea that she was seeking his services.

I say mixing advisedly, for as he came up she was conspicuously pouring some of the contents of the stone bottle into her cup. Whether this drew the watchman's attention in an unusual degree, of course I do not know, but he stopped to say, "Good-evening, Biddy." "Good-evening to ye, me dear, and a nasty damp evening it is." "You're taking something to keep the damp out, I see, missus."

Then he said a few words to his brave but anxious wife, and walked to the rear platform. On it were several armed men, who bade him good-evening, and asked "when the fun was going to begin." Walking through the train, he found each platform similarly occupied, and Foster going from one to the other.