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Already his soaring spirit seemed to enter into the golden gates of the New Jerusalem, and the ineffable glory of the noonday of heaven gleamed upon his sight. "Mother, I come to thee! Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!" His words sounded clearly and sweetly upon the ears of the multitude. They ceased, and the tiger sprang.

This train glittered in the sunlight with its yellow brass fittings, gleamed in its sapphire-colored varnish. Its rich interior, with cushions of purple velvet, was visible through the windows. A conductor opened the door of a car and stood near it in an expectant position. Maryan, with a motion of request, indicated it to the celebrated singer.

She drew herself swiftly up, and her great eye gleamed imperial disdain at all his menaces but one. "He will not really close the theater," said she, loftily; but uneasiness lurked in her manner. "He will," said Ashmead. "He is desperate: and you know it is hard to go on losing and losing, and then the moment luck turns to be done out of it, in spite of a written bargain.

I thought of it within the last minute." Her eyes gleamed out at him expectantly, avariciously, with some suspicion, too. She hoped it concerned money, but it seemed unlikely, so chill a habit of life had men of Addington. "It is absolutely my own idea," said Alston. "Nobody has suggested it, nobody has anything whatever to do with it.

He saw, worse luck, that she wore a little knot of roses on the breast of her natty jacket, but that they were not his. He faltered something to the effect that he had been trying to see her ever since the night of the fire had so much to thank her for; and her white, even, beautiful teeth gleamed as she laughingly answered that the cherries had more than cancelled the score.

That evening the Dago Duke leaned against the door-jamb of the White Elephant Saloon and watched Dan Treu coming from Dr. Harpe's office with failure written upon his face. His white teeth gleamed in a smile of amusement as he waited for the sheriff. "Don't swear, Dan. Never speak disrespectfully of a lady if you can help it."

Admiration gleamed through his amusement. "Gad, you've got a sharp tongue. I'd pity the man you marry unless he drove with a tight rein." "That's not what we're discussing, Mr. MacQueen. Are you going to send me home?" "Not till you've made us a nice long visit, my dear. You're quite safe here. My men are plumb gentle. They'll eat out of your hand. They don't insult ladies. I've taught 'em "

In a frenzy of fear she threw herself upon him, struggling with all her puny strength to hold him back. "I tell you he is dead!" she gasped. "Why do you want to go in?" "I am going to see for myself," he said stubbornly, putting her away. "No!" she cried. "No!" His eyes gleamed red with a savage fury as she clung to him afresh. He caught her wrists, forcing her backwards.

When on the first day he got up early, went out of the shed at dawn, and saw the cupolas and crosses of the New Convent of the Virgin still dark at first, the hoarfrost on the dusty grass, the Sparrow Hills, and the wooded banks above the winding river vanishing in the purple distance, when he felt the contact of the fresh air and heard the noise of the crows flying from Moscow across the field, and when afterwards light gleamed from the east and the sun's rim appeared solemnly from behind a cloud, and the cupolas and crosses, the hoarfrost, the distance and the river, all began to sparkle in the glad light Pierre felt a new joy and strength in life such as he had never before known.

There was nothing to mar the idyllic repose of the landscape; only the growing light of the last two hours had brought out in the far eastern horizon a dim white peak, that gleamed faintly among the stars, like a bridal couch spread between the hills fringed with fading nuptial torches.