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It so happened that my father, who was now Directeur de l'Usine a Gaz at Beaucaire, had suffered in health, catching frequent colds through having to get out of bed to look after the puddlers, to stand before the fires whilst they were replenished, and to cross a cold, draughty courtyard in coming back.

"There," said Andre Letourneur to me, as we stood gaz- ing at the distant land, "there lies the enchanted archipel- ago, sung by your poet Moore. The exile Waller, too, as long ago as 1643, wrote an enthusiastic panegyric on the islands, and I have been told that at one time English ladies would wear no other bonnets than such as were made of the leaves of the Bermuda palm."

All other balloons require a long, long while, and many tubes; and one must take them to a usine de gaz. My father's balloon needs no gas that is, it needs no common illuminating gas." "A montgolfier?" asked Marche, curiously. "Oh, pooh! The idea!

A physician, who met him in consultation soon afterwards, about a case of a different kind, and who knew nothing of his misfortune, asked him whether puerperal fever was at all prevalent in his neighborhood, on which he burst into tears, and related the above circumstances. Med. Gaz. Dr.