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Willis is handsome and Gaylord Clark, and there is that picture of Mrs. Hemans " The little girl smiled. Dr. Hoffman had given Margaret a beautifully bound copy of Mrs. Hemans's poems, and the steel engraving in the front was handsome. She had already learned two of the poems, and recited them at school. "And I don't think Delia so very plain," continued Ben.

"See here, Polly," said I with some excusable heat, "now why in thunder didn't you tell me all this before?" "You didn't ask me." "She was afraid that it would get into the papers," said Terry, soothingly. "It would be a terrible scandal to have anything like that get out. The fact that Radnor Gaylord was likely to be hanged for a murder he never committed, was in comparison a minor affair."

"James Redbrook," he said, "until to-night I thought you were about as long-headed and sensible a man as there was in the State." "So I be," replied Mr. Redbrook, with a grin. "You ask young Tom Gaylord." "So Tom put you up to this nonsense." "It ain't nonsense," retorted Mr. Redbrook, stoutly, "and Tom didn't put me up to it. It's the' best notion that ever came into my mind."

I picked it up and glanced it over. It was dated May twenty-third four days after the murder and was the same in substance as many other articles I had read in the past week. "No new evidence has come to light in regard to the sensational murder of Colonel Gaylord whose body was discovered in Luray Cave, Virginia, a few days ago.

"No, no!" she protested. "Yes, yes! Dear Mr. Hubbard. There, that will do. Now the signature. Yours " "I won't write that. I won't, indeed!" "Oh, yes, you will. You only think you won't. Yours gratefully, Marcia Gaylord. That's right. The Gaylord is not very legible, on account of a slight tremor in the writer's arm, resulting from a constrained posture, perhaps. Thanks, Miss Gaylord.

And a long period had elapsed under which the Northeastern Railroads had been a law unto themselves. The discovery was of grave import to Austen. A month before, chiefly through the efforts of his friend, Tom, who was gradually taking his father's place in the Gaylord Lumber Company, Austen had been appointed junior counsel for that corporation.

Suddenly, as he came near the pool he heard a scream and looked up in time to see a big negro the one my uncle had struck with his crop spring upon the Colonel with the cry, "It's my tu'n, now, Cunnel Gaylord. You whup me, an' I'll let you see what it feels like." The Colonel turned and clinched with his assailant, and in the struggle the light was dropped.

They were well out into the country now, spinning along over the dusty plains of red grass, with the ragged-blue outline of the mountains before them. "Tragic!" cried Gaylord, starting up in his seat, "my God, man, nobody will ever know how tragic. It's a tragedy I live with and eat with and sleep with, until I've lost my grip on everything.

It was a relief to have him away, for if drawn into an argument he still thumped his fists. For everyday living Beatrice preferred her own pet robins and angel-ducks, as she called the boys of the younger set, who flocked to flirt with her because she was extremely rich and pretty and they were in no danger of being matrimonially entangled. Of course Gaylord ate up this occult-name affair.

Pomfret that her respect increased in direct proportion to her lack of understanding. Mr. Thomas Gaylord, in a waistcoat which was the admiration of all who beheld it, proposed the health of the bride; and proved indubitably that the best of oratory has its origin in the heart and not in the mind, for Tom had never been regarded by his friends as a Demosthenes.