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"You might say there can be no greater energy than that of matter annihilation. I doubt that. I have seen hints of something new an energy so vast so transcendently tremendous that it frightens me. The energies of all the mighty suns of all the galaxies of the whole cosmos in the hand of man! The energy of a billion billion billion suns!

"Arcot," Morey called, "let's go out, say one million light years into space, at an angle to this galaxy, and see if we can get both galaxies on one plate. It will make navigation between them easier." "Good idea. We can get out and back in one day and this 'time' won't count back on Earth, anyway." Since they would travel in the space-strain all the time, it would not count as Earth time.

And now, having seen the untenability of this idea, rashly espoused by sundry astronomers, that the nebulæ are extremely remote galaxies; let us consider whether the various appearances they present are not reconcilable with the Nebular Hypothesis.

But in health the mind is presently seen again, its overarching vault, bright with galaxies of immutable lights, and the warm loves and fears that swept over us as clouds must lose their finite character and blend with God, to attain their own perfection. But we need not fear that we can lose any thing by the progress of the soul. The soul may be trusted to the end.

He looked up into the heights above him, where more battens, the gas jets on which were burning low, gleamed like galaxies of little bluish stars amid a chaos of iron rods, connecting lines of all sizes, hanging stages and canvases spread out in space, like huge cloths hung out to dry. "Lower away!" shouted the foreman unexpectedly.

Shall we believe that in thousands of cases these far-removed galaxies happen to agree in their visible positions with the thin places in our own galaxy? Such a belief is impossible. Still more manifest does the impossibility of it become when we consider the general distribution of nebulæ.

In other words, if your incoming signal is weaker than the minimum noise level on the first amplifying stage, no amount of amplification will give you anything but more noise. "The same is true of the telectroscope image. At this distance, the light signal from those galaxies is weaker than the noise level. We'd only get a flickering, blurred image.

Meanwhile, on quitting Varney young Percival strolled on as the whim directed him. Turning down the Haymarket, he gained the colonnade of the Opera House. The crowd there was so dense that his footsteps were arrested, and he leaned against one of the columns in admiration of the various galaxies in view.

A good thing his equipment was shock-mounted, he thought. Otherwise the communicator would be knocked for a line of galaxies. "You all right, sir?" Santos called anxiously. "Yes. Are you?" "I’m fine. I think the others are over there." He pointed. "We’ll find them," Rip said. His hip hurt like fury from smashing against the unyielding metal, and the worst part was that he couldn’t rub it.

On the one hand, then, we see that the notion, of late years uncritically received, that the nebulæ are extremely remote galaxies of stars like those which make up our own Milky Way, is totally irreconcilable with the facts involves us in sundry absurdities.