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P. lusitanica azorica, from the Azores, is of more robust growth than the common plant, with larger and richer green leaves, and the bark of the younger branches is of a very decided reddish tinge. The Mahaleb, or Perfumed Cherry. South Europe, 1714. This and its variegated variety P. Mahaleb variegata are very free-flowering shrubs, and of neat growth.

There are several fine varieties of this species, including S. japonica alba, a compact bush about a foot high with white flowers; S. japonica rubra differs from the type in having dark red flowers; S. japonica splendens, is a free-flowering dwarf plant, with peach-coloured flowers and suitable for forcing; and S. japonica superba, has dark rose-red flowers.

This is a recent introduction, which flowered in the Kew collection for the first time in June, 1886. It is one of the most beautiful of the large-flowered kinds, and, as it thrives in a warm greenhouse and is very free-flowering, it may be expected to become a favourite with Cactus growers.

The scent of the wild thyme growing in prolific patches at his feet, the more pungent odour of the tall daisies which were of a hardy, free-flowering kind, the "strong sea-daisies that feast on the sun," and the indescribable salty perfume that swept upwards on the faint wind from the unseen ocean, just now hidden by projecting shelves of broken ground fringed with trees, all combined together to refresh the air and to make the mere act of breathing a delight.