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Did he know, law and circumstances might vanish, human justice would be paralyzed. Ho, there! place that swart-visaged, ill-looking foreigner in the dock, and let counsel open the case; hear the witnesses depose! Oh, horrible wretch! a murderer! unmanly murderer! a defenceless woman smothered by caitiff hands! Hang him up! hang him up!

"But, Tomaso," said one of the family, "your father has a right to whip you when you are bad." Tomaso's eyes flashed. "I am a citizen of the United States," he declared. "Do you think that I am going to let any foreigner lick me?"

The death of Queen Mary, which took place early in 1695, proved a severe calamity, both to the king and the nation. She had been a vigilant guardian of her husband's interests, which were constantly exposed to hazard by the conflicts of party and by the disadvantages under which he labored as a foreigner.

However, as he had absolutely cut off my supplies, I had to submit, and consent to an interview with Number Two." "And what was Number Two like?" "Ah, my dear fellow, what was she like! She was the daughter of a rich merchant of Antwerp. A Belgian article! First a provincial, and then a foreigner! Papa doesn't like Parisians. Mamma was from Châtellerault, and she was indeed a saint.

And behind him again was Cissie. But the stranger! He came out of the frame of the porch towards the garden gate.... Who who was this stranger? It was a man in queer-looking foreign clothes, baggy trousers of some soft-looking blue stuff and a blouse, and he had a white-bandaged left arm. He had a hat stuck at the back of his head, and a beard.... He was entirely a stranger, a foreigner.

I agree with you that France is in danger, and may need the swords of all her better sons, whether against the foreigner or against her worst enemies, the mobs of her great towns.

The same instinct warned her that Julio's countenance was growing more and more saturnine, and his mouth taking a very bitter curve. She wanted to console him and added: "What luck that you are a foreigner and will not have to go to the war! How horrible it would be for me to lose you!" . . .

Now, it happened that a variety of causes, social and religious, had brought about bad blood between native and foreigner, in some of the great cities, and upon the issue involved in this condition the failing spirit of the Whigs fastened. A secret society which had been formed to oppose the naturalization of foreigners quickly became a recognized political party.

"I begin to be fearful of the King's being brought to trial," continued the Queen; "as to me, I am a foreigner; they will assassinate me. What will become of my poor children?" These sad ejaculations were followed by a torrent of tears.

Cantelopes are American melons, small and of sickly appearance, but of good vitality and unearthly freshness within, a joy to the hot-stomached foreigner. Behold also, his Grace eateth the cantelope and hath a cheerful countenance. Claudius sat down at the table, looking rather gloomy. "I want you to give me an introduction to the English Ambassador in Petersburg.