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Spain, which had entered the war on the side of France in 1761, gave up Florida in exchange for Havana, captured by the English, and in the West Indies several of the Lesser Antilles came under the British flag.

Davis maintains that thousands of the 70,000 Negroes in Florida crowded into the Federal military camps and into towns upon realizing that they were free. According to Ficklen, the exodus of the slaves from the neighboring plantations of Louisiana into Baton Rouge, Carrollton and New Orleans was so great as to strain the resources of the Federal authorities to support them.

The Iowa, came up twelve hours later, about noon of the 22nd, and some four or five light cruisers joined on that or the following days. On the 24th the Oregon communicated with Washington off Jupiter Inlet, on the east coast of Florida.

In the Northern States these swarms very often perish before spring; but in such a country as Florida they seem to multiply, till bee-trees are very common. In the West, also, wild honey is often gathered in large quantities. I noticed, not long since, that some wood-choppers on the west slope of the Coast Range felled a tree that had several pailfuls in it.

The Dutch are at the mouth of the Hudson; there is a London company on the James; the Spaniards have been long in Florida, and have carried religion and civilization into the deserts of New Mexico. Nevertheless, the continent, vaster and more varied than was guessed, is practically undiscovered, untrodden.

J.L.M. Curry of Alabama. J.A. Stallworth of Alabama. J.W.H. Underwood of Georgia. L.J. Gartrell of Georgia. James Jackson of Georgia. John J. Jones of Georgia. Martin J. Crawford of Georgia. Alfred Iverson, U.S. Senator, Georgia. George S. Hawkins of Florida. T.C. Hindman of Arkansas. Jefferson Davis, U.S. Senator, Mississippi. A.G. Brown, U.S. Senator, Mississippi. Wm. Barksdale of Mississippi.

And how did you find Florida?" "Easy," says I. "We looked it up on the map." "No, no," says Piddie; "I mean, how was the weather down there?" "No weather at all," says I. "They just have climate. How are things around the shop, though?" "Very satisfactory," says Piddie, rubbin' his hands. "Bound to be," says I, "with you and Mr. Robert sittin' on the lid."

The selection and preparation of the Florida archives for the purpose of being delivered over to the United States, in conformity with the royal order as mentioned in my last annual message, though in progress, has not yet been completed.

Accordingly, having embarked nine hundred men and three hundred and thirty horses, he sailed from the Havannah on the 12th of May 1539, and came to anchor on the last day of that month in the Bay of Espiritu Santo on the coast of Florida . He immediately landed three hundred men, who lay on shore all night without seeing a single native.

I have to beg that Congress will please to remember the state of embarrassment in which I must necessarily remain with respect to the ordering galleys to Charlestown, in their way to invade Florida, while the militia are getting ready to defend the States bordering on it, and that they will please to favor me with the earliest intelligence of every circumstance that is to influence the measures either offensive or defensive.