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Wherefore, departing from that territory, Niccolò betook himself to Florence, where he had worked at other times, and for the Wardens of Works of S. Maria del Fiore he made a statue of marble, four braccia high, which was afterwards placed on the left hand of the principal door of that church.

Even in spring, to come in a book upon the name of Balbec sufficed to awaken in me the desire for storms at sea and for the Norman gothic; even on a stormy day the name of Florence or of Venice would awaken the desire for sunshine, for lilies, for the Palace of the Doges and for Santa Maria del Fiore.

From Perkins's Tuscan Sculptors, vol. i. p. 54. A recent work by Signor G.J. Cavallucci, entitled S. Maria del Fiore, Firenze, 1881, has created a revolution in our knowledge regarding this church. Giov. Villani, x. 192. Illustrated Handbook of Architecture, book vi. chap. i. Ib. See Grüner's Terra Cotta Architecture of North Italy, plates 3 and 4.

At this same time there were being executed in the Office of Works of S. Maria del Fiore certain Apostles of marble, which were to be set up within the marble tabernacles in those very places in that church where there are the Apostles painted by the painter Lorenzo di Bicci.

A title given to several pictures, in which the rose, which is consecrated to her, is placed either in her hand, or in that of the Child. S.M. "della Stella." Our Lady of the Star. She wears the star as one of her attributes embroidered on her mantle. S.M. "del Fiore." Our Lady of the Flower. She has this title especially as protectress of Florence. S.M. "della Spina."

In S. Maria del Fiore, in memory of Giovanni Acuto, an Englishman, Captain of the Florentines, who had died in the year 1393, he made in terra-verde a horse of extraordinary grandeur, which was held very beautiful, and on it the image of the Captain himself, in chiaroscuro and coloured with terra-verde, in a picture ten braccia high on the middle of one wall of the church; where Paolo drew in perspective a large sarcophagus, supposed to contain the corpse, and over this he placed the image of him in his Captain's armour, on horseback.

His place of repose is better in those remote and forsaken streets "by the shore of the Adrian Sea," hard by the last relics of the Roman Empire the mausoleum of the children of Theodosius, and the mosaics of Justinian than among the assembled dead of St. Croce, or amid the magnificence of Santa Maria del Fiore. The Commedia, at the first glance, shows the traces of its author's life.

On 26th November he heard Mass for the last time in S. Maria del Fiore, and on the 28th he departed si partì el Re di Firenze dopo desinare, e andò albergo alla Certosa e tutta sua gente gli andò dietro e innanzi, che poche ce ne rimase, says Landucci thankfully.

To this request Tartaglia replied that, if at any time he might publish his rule, he would give it to the world in a work of his own under his own name, whereupon Juan Antonio moderated his demand, and begged to be furnished merely with a copy of the thirty questions preferred by Fiore, and Tartaglia's solutions of the same; but Messer Niccolo was too wary a bird to be taken with such a lure as this.

For several weeks before the time fixed for the contest Tartaglia studied hard; and such good use did he make of his time that, when the day of the encounter came, he not only fathomed the formula upon which Fiore's hopes were based, but, over and beyond this, elaborated two other cases of his own which neither Fiore nor his master Ferreo had ever dreamt of.