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The pleasure of it had penetrated him, its gay, perpetual festa as compared with the strain of thought and conscience under which the modern lives. 'It gives me a perfect hunger for fine clothes, and jewels, and masquerades and "fêtes de nuit" and every sort of theatricality and expense! Nature has sent us starvelings on the scene a hundred years late.

It was to be a fête day for the whole neighborhood that quiet neighbourhood, where fêtes, indeed, were so unusual as to make a great sensation when they did occur. There was to be the examination in the forenoon, followed by the distribution of prizes in the afternoon, and a dance in the evening.

In front of the château, a broad avenue of greensward strikes straight away through a thick forest, extending many miles across the country; and parallel with the front of the building is an avenue still broader, but not so long La Grande Allée wherein the various fêtes of the hamlet are celebrated, and which, moreover, forms a principal scene in the following narrative.

But the Directory, nevertheless, hastened to give the victor of Arcola new fêtes every day; and when these fêtes were over, and Bonaparte, fatigued with the speeches, the festivities, the toasts, etc., would be on his way returning homeward, there was the populace of Paris, who beset his path in crowds, to greet him with hearty cheers; and these persistent friends he had to recognize, with smiles and shakings of the hand, or with a nod and a pleasant glance.

The Doctor soon came up with the rockets; he had made three dozen the week before, and a number of blue lights, for the special purpose of detecting any movement that the enemy might make at night. "I will fire them myself," he said, as Wilson offered to take them. "I have had charge of the fireworks in a score of fetes and that sort of thing, and am a pretty good hand at it.

It was an inconceivable medley of mountebanks, quacks, buffoons, magicians, miracle-mongers, sorcerers, false priests; a city of races, games, dances, processions, fêtes, revels, of unbridled luxury, of all the follies of the East, of the most unhealthy superstitions, and of the fanaticism of the orgy. The city was very literary, but literary only in the literature of rhetoricians.

In addition to these, the illuminations on the borders of the sheet of water cost thirty thousand francs every evening. The fetes had been magnificent; and Colbert could not restrain his delight.

It will evoke, I fear, a confused remembrance of some centaur-like being, half woman, half wheel, or as it did to neglected little Rawdon Crawley, the vision of a radiant creature in gauze and jewels, driving away to endless fetes fetes followed by long mornings, when he was told not to make any noise, or play too loudly, "as poor mamma is resting."

The Emperor remained only a few days at Paris, after our return from Italy, before setting out again for the camp of Boulogne. The fetes of Milan had not prevented him from maturing his political plans, and it was suspected that not without good reason had he broken down his horses between Turin and Paris.

Fêtes and banquets and balls succeeded each other in swift sequence, at all of which Aurora was Queen, the focus of all eyes, and receiving universal homage, won no more by her beauty and her position as the Elector's favourite than by her sweetness and graciousness to the humblest. No mistress of a King was ever more beloved than this daughter of Sweden.