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So Fatia Negra, after all, did not give up his head, the pistol shot had annihilated it. And nobody ever knew who Fatia Negra really was. It was now the seventh time that Mr. John Lapussa had informed Mr. Sipos that he wanted to see him and for the seventh time word was sent back that the lawyer could not come. Why could he not come? They could not say.

All the four and twenty had black crape wound round their faces, their clothes had the lining turned outwards and they were well provided with swords, csákánys and muskets. Fatia Negra himself rode a vigorous black stallion and held in his hand a broad, naked sword.

They are pursuing Fatia Negra! ... Szilard Vamhidy is pursuing Fatia Negra! He will come hither, he will enter this very castle. Leonard himself has invited him! He will certainly come to see his former love once more. The thought was terrible! But it must not, it should not happen. Leonard himself had invited Vamhidy to his castle.

His gigantic adversary might pitch and toss him wherever he pleased, he always fell on his feet; nor was the other ever able, squeeze as he might, to disjoint his arms or free his own head from Fatia Negra's embrace, though again and again he ducked down to do it; and then they would struggle more fiercely than ever, on their knees, with their limbs interlaced like one single, inseparable quivering mass of flesh.

It is good to guard against him but it is not advisable to scratch him. He is no ordinary man. And now putting together all this with the confession of the Dupe Piatra milk-woman, I have a strong suspicion that Fatia Negra wants to poison the herdsman's bear." "I will not allow it," interrupted the baroness emphatically.

The traitor himself is pretending to sleep along with his fellows but he is only awaiting the arrival of Fatia Negra and then up he will get and release the captives. It was an artful dodge, your honour!" Szilard felt a tremor running through all his limbs. "You see, sir, you are here alone, but Fatia Negra is never alone. But so far no great harm has been done. We will make him to be alone also.

If Fatia Negra had been one of God's ordinary creatures, he must have been writhing the next moment with crushed limbs on the ground beneath Juon's knee; but at the very instant in which Juon caught hold of one hand, the robber faced about and seizing the herdsman round the body began to wrestle with him.

I'll not stake my head on your whimsies!" The girl had anticipated something much worse than this, so she quietly answered: "You can spare yourself the trouble, I have already returned it to Fatia Negra. I would not carry it about with me any longer." "You have acted wisely," said the old man, lowering his musket. "Now you can ride on." The early dawn was breaking as they reached home.

'Then hide and be d d to you, said their leader, 'I will tackle them single-handed. I'll seek them out and show you that they too are but mortal men. Those were his last words to them; they scattered again, to the right and left, and I heard their departing footsteps over my head. But believe me, sir, Fatia Negra will try to do what he said." "What! come and attack us? alone, against so many?"

"I was asking Fatia Negra which of the three I should take." Old Onucz scratched his nose pretty hard at this question. He would have liked to have said: "whichever you like, as long as it is the right one!" but he was afraid of offending Fatia Negra. "Well, Domnule," said he at last, "truth is truth, after all.