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Prince Metternich asked, "What shall we do indoors this awful day?" I proposed tableaux; but he objected to tableaux. Then I suggested that one might have a fancy-dress tea-party. At last, after many wild propositions, he said, "Why not charades?" Of course he had intended charades all the time. He asked the Marquis de Gallifet if he would help us.

He reminded himself that the Lightmarks were entertaining that evening on a scale of quite exceptional grandeur, that he had a card for their fancy-dress ball, from which Lady Garnett and her niece would hardly be absentees. If he could see the girl beforehand, she would doubtless find the time and occasion to say what was necessary.

They had driven up to the terminus before going to a fancy-dress ball to be given that night in the studio of Monsieur Dauphin, a famous French painter and a delightful man.

I expect when you're back you'll be giving all sorts of delightful parties, won't you? At least that's what the girls at school were saying." "It's rather early to make plans," temporized Ingred. "Oh, of course! But Jess and Francie said you'd a gorgeous floor for dancing. I do think a fancy-dress dance is about the best fun on earth.

'Now that interests me more than I can tell, cried Maude, with her eyes shining with pleasure. 'Do please read us everything there is about that dear piper. 'Why so? asked her two companions. 'Well, the fact is, said Maude, 'Frank my husband, you know came to a fancy-dress at St. Albans as the Pied Piper. I had no idea that it came from Browning. 'How did he dress for it? asked Mrs. Beecher.

Pain here checked his utterance, and when he recovered, he turned again to me, and continued: "To-morrow night there is to be a fancy-dress ball on board. I have been thinking. I could go in a good disguise. I could speak to her, and attract no notice; and if she will not listen to me, why, then, that ends it. I shall know the worst, and to know the worst is good."

A series of concerts and lectures had been arranged for the voyage, and the fancy-dress ball was to close the first part of the journey that is, at Aden. One night a concert was on in the music saloon. I had just come from seeing a couple of passengers who had been suffering from the heat, and was debating whether to find Mrs.

OF course I should recognize Simpson anywhere, even at a masked ball. Besides, who but Simpson would go to a fancy-dress dance as a short-sighted executioner, and wear his spectacles outside his mask? But it was a surprise to me to see him there at all. "Samuel," I said gravely, tapping him on the shoulder, "I shall have to write home about this." He turned round with a start.

Chad pleaded to be let off from the dance, but the Major would not hear of it. It was a fancy-dress ball, and the Major had a pet purpose of his own that he wanted gratified and Chad had promised to aid him. That fancy was that Chad should go in regimentals, as the stern, old soldier on the wall, of whom the Major swore the boy was the "spit and image."

Then again I may wear it to a fancy-dress ball sometime. In that case I shall stencil Pike's Peak or Bust! on the sidebreadth and go as a prairie schooner. If I can succeed in training a Missouri hound-dog to trail along immediately behind me the illusion will be perfect. After these two experiences with the English tailor I gave up.