United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I do not know that his theory is one more comfortable for his country than my own. Whether or no any backward step can now be taken whether these elections can again be put into the hands of men fit to exercise a choice in such a matter may well be doubted. Facilis descensus Averni. But the recovery of the downward steps is very difficult.

Physically, the Suffolk Punch had degenerated into the steeplechaser; psychologically, the chasm between the stolid English peasant and the saturnine, sensitive Australian had been spanned with that facilis which marks the descensus Averni. But the question of racial degeneracy, past, present, or to come, troubled its victim very little as he lay there. Indeed, it had never troubled him much.

"Bagnigge Wells," wrote the historian of its decline, "sported its fountains, with little wooden cupids spouting water day and night, but it fearfully realized the facilis descensus Averni. The gardens were curtailed of their fair proportions, and this once famous resort sank down to a threepenny concert-room."

These mariners made us wait while they finished their preparations. It meant a long voyage to them, a facilis descensus Averni; sed revocare gradum, a very long pull. Then the bow was poled off, the current took us in its arms and swung us out into the stream, and the crowd on the shingle dropped perspectively astern.

We turned out of one of the streets not far from the hotel, and found ourselves facing an ascent which looked like what I should suppose would be a pretty steep toboggan slide. We both drew back. "Facilis ascensus," I said to myself, "sed revocare gradum." It is easy enough to get up if you are dragged up, but how will it be to come down such a declivity?