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"I fear your imagination has exaggerated the danger." "The coast?" "Of that there is no cause for apprehension. The sea is calm, and our fasts are perfectly good." "The boats?" "Will doubtless be back in good time." "Surely surely," said Eve, recoiling a step, as if she saw a monster, "not the Arabs?" "They cannot enter the ship, though a few of them are hovering about us.

These points, which have been already described, were most essential to the protection of the place, as without them the whole counterscarp was in danger. It was to save those exposed but vital positions that Sir Francis Vere had resorted to the slippery device of the last Christmas Eve but one. Dorp refused to believe the intelligence. The squares were well guarded, the garrison ever alert.

At first many rows of seats had been left vacant, though usually on the eve of the great races, the people would set out soon after midnight and every place would be filled long before the games began; indeed the upper tiers of the tribune, which were built of wood and were free to all comers, with standing-room behind, were commonly so crowded early in the morning that the crush ended in a free fight.

More and more she isolated herself, and at last discarded all her clothes and roamed the bush A LA Eve before the Fall, as she had probably done as a young girl. She dug herself an underground camp, roofed it over, and painted enormous posts which she erected in front of her 'Muddy wine, as she called her camp. She never came near the house, though we had been great friends before.

When, on the eve of her departure from the house, Mr Keswick had brought her Mr Croft's message, she was not only amazed, but indignant; not so much at Mr Croft for sending it, as at Mr Keswick for bringing it.

Besides these allotments, he made many votive offerings, either in time of peril or on the eve of a foray, and the chapels of Alhama were resplendent with chalices, crosses, and other precious gifts made by this Catholic cavalier."

Her manner was controlled, she looked at him evenly and directly; save for the faint vibration in her voice there was nothing to indicate the tumult of a moment ago. But Loder was still uncertain. He caught her hand, his eyes searching hers. "But Eve " he began. Then Eve played the last card in her mysterious game. Laughing quickly and nervously, she freed her hand and laid it over his mouth.

And even Mamerzelle also has claims to remain with Miss Eve, for she has taught her many things, I dare say, that it is good to know. Oh! no, no, no! no one has a right to tear us asunder, and no one will have the heart to do it." "Nanny, Nanny," murmured Eve, "you do not, cannot know the cruel Arabs!"

"Volontieri" quoth Eve, in hesitating accent, and flitted back to her piano. Without a thought, he followed.

At last the eyes left the fire for a moment, resting on the two that sat by it, and he said, "Boys, it's Christmas Eve." Thompson started, for he had not heard him speak with so much energy for weeks. "Christmas Eve!" he repeated absently. "Christmas Eve, and to-morrow will be Christmas Day. Last Christmas was not like this: all was bright and fair, and she "