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The present war is the result of the de-christianisation of Europe, and de-christianisation of Europe's Church. The Church only is conscious of this fact and keeps silent. She has no courage to accuse because she has no courage to self-accuse. She is the only thing which makes European civilisation not lower than the civilisation of Egypt, Babylon, Persia, and China.

I have no idea of the identity of the writer of any anonymous letter. But Howell, no doubt, saw that if he rid himself of me it would be to his great advantage." "Then Cataldi will not speak the truth because he fears Howell?" remarked the notorious chief of Europe's underworld. "Exactly. Now that I can think, I can piece the whole puzzle together. It is all quite plain.

Except for Spain, the largest contributions of war conscripts came from the countries with the largest populations. With the exception of Spain, all of the great powers of Europe provided the "cannon fodder"; the human beings which Europe's "great powers" assembled to take part in this profligate orgy of mass murder which went on for more than four years, from July 1914 until November 1918.

The anti-slavery associations of England, full of benevolence and activity, have opened a tremendous battery upon the last remaining forts which the lords of the old continent still hold in the new world; and in all probability will not cease firing till they shall have caused the last flag to be struck of Europe's late mighty empire in the transatlantic regions.

All these give excellent accounts of the manor, the guilds, the fairs, etc. See also JESSOPP, Coming of the Friars, second essay, "Village Life Six Hundred Years Ago." The interest of the Middle Ages lies by no means exclusively in the statesmanship of kings and emperors, their victories and defeats; in the policy of popes and bishops; or even in feudalism and Europe's escape from it.

Agreements in Western Europe have paved the way for unity to replace past divisions which have undermined Europe's economic and military vitality. The defense of the West appears likely at last to include a free, democratic Germany participating as an equal in the councils of NATO.

The Balkan is, once again, the playground of the grand designers. Europe's New Jews By: Dr. Sam Vaknin Also Read Iran between Reform and Mayhem Turkey's Troubled Water Syria's Sunshine Policy Saddam's Thousand Nights The Iraqi and the Madman God's Diplomacy and Human Conflicts The Economies of the Middle East Turkey's Jewish Friend

Now, if His Majesty and the Queen should fail to return from their journeyings, your position would be stronger." Louis sank into a chair, deeply agitated. "I fear this man Von Ritz more deeply than Karyl." "Naturally," was Jusseret's dry comment. "But Your Majesty will leave Von Ritz alone. I also, should like to see him disposed of but leave him alone, or you will incur Europe's displeasure."

It was only later, when France was approaching exhaustion, that British forces in the Spanish peninsula and elsewhere took a conspicuous part in the Continental war. The Continental System England's real offensive strength lay not in her armies but in her grip on Europe's intercourse with the rest of the world.

The political predominance of the West over the East is, indeed, the outstanding factor in the whole question of Western influence upon the Orient. We have already surveyed Europe's conquest of the Near and Middle East during the past century, and we have seen how helpless the backward, decrepit Moslem world was in face of the twofold tide of political and economic subjugation.