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A fold of paper instead of a hand a special delivery instead of a step upon the stair a telegram instead of a kiss!... "I belong in a cabinet," she sighed. "I guess I'm a letter-file instead of a lady."... There was a large square envelope from Equatoria.... With stinging cheeks, Beth resented the buoyant happiness of the first few lines.

"Finally, I asked about war, told him the New York papers predicted another war in Equatoria, and that I had never seen one.

Anyway, he wouldn't let me go over alone. You remember when we went away together for three or four days early in June?" "I didn't know you were you with him?" "Yes, we went together found the house in Lily Lane " "And he went back to Equatoria right after that?" Her tone had risen, the words rapid. "Yes and without letting me know." Cairns noted vaguely that Beth's face seemed farther away.

He was thinking of the enchantress, and how she would admire the shower-whipped hills of Equatoria and all that wild perfumed beauty.... His name was softly spoken by one of the regal shadows of the night before, Marguerite Grey. "If I hadn't seen you or Mr. Cairns again," she began, "I'd have come to think of last night almost as a dream." "That's queer, Miss Grey," he answered, taking her hand.

This was the point of the first letter, and of all the letters.... At length Captain Carreras settled in Equatoria, a big island well out of travel-lines in the Caribbean. The second and third letters made it even plainer that the old heart valves ached for the young man's coming.

Acquaintance was as agreeably received as offered. The stranger's name was Jim Framtree. He had been on the Island for several weeks, and intended to stay for awhile. He liked Equatoria well enough as well, in fact, as a man could like any place, when he was barred from the real trophy-room in the house of the world, New York. "I'm sailing for New York in the morning," Bedient said.