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Il me plairait d'expliquer par le détail et de montrer comment la gageure paradoxale de garder les vertus cléricales, sans la foi qui leur sert de base et dans un monde pour lequel elles ne sont pas faites, produisit, en ce que me concerne, les rencontres les plus divertissantes. J'aimerais

Les gens de distinction, pour n'y point manquer, portent toujours en voyage des bouteilles de cuir pleines d'eau: on les attache sous le ventre des chameaux et des chevaux, et ordinairement elles sont très-belles.

'Elles. I declare we have made out amongst us an essay on friendship, without the fuss of writing one. I always told you our talk was better than your writing, Milverton. Now, we only want a beginning and ending to this peripatetic essay.

The most noticeable feature of the ritual was the prominence assigned to women; "ce sont les femmes qui le pleurent, et qui l'accompagnent a sa tombe. Elles sanglotent eperdument pendant les nuits, c'est leur dieu plus que tout autre, et seules elles veulent pleurer sa mort, et chanter sa resurrection."

"L'invention nest-elle pas la poesie de la science? . . . Toutes les grandes decouvertes portent avec elles la trace ineffacable d'une pensee poetique. Il faut etre poete pour creer.

"Elles ont toujours des bons cœurs," is a common expression in France, in speaking even of the lowest and most degraded of the sex.

Well, I wonder whether love for I imagine you mean love was ever so described before, "that other thing!" 'Elles. When the world was younger, perhaps there was more of this friendship. David and Jonathan! How does their friendship begin? I know it is very beautiful; but I have forgotten the words. Dunsford will tell us. 'Dunsford. "And Saul said to him, Whose son art thou, thou young man?

In connection with this topic, the following anecdote was related by Mr. Adams: "As I was walking, this morning (in May, 1811), I was met by the emperor, who was also walking. As he approached he said, 'Monsieur Adams, il y a cent ans que je ne vous ai vu, and took me cordially by the hand. After some common observations, he asked me whether I intended to take a house in the country this summer. I said 'No; that I had for some time that intention, but I had given it up, 'And why? said he. I was hesitating upon an answer, when he relieved me from my embarrassment by saying, 'Peut-être sont-ce des considerations de finance. As he said it in perfect good humor, and with a smile, I replied, in the same manner, 'Mais, Sire, elles y sont pour une bonne partie. 'Fort bien, said he, 'vous avez raison. Il faut toujours proportionner la depense

Sur le coteau, la-bas ou sont les tombes, Un beau palmier, comme un panache vert, Dresse sa tete, ou le soir les colombes Viennent nicher et se mettre a couvert, Mais le matin elles quittent les branches; Comme un collier qui s'egrene, on les voit S'eparpiller dans Fair bleu, toutes blanches, Et se poser plus loin sur quelque toil.

"La moitie m'aurait suffi," said Auber; "pour moi, elles sont toutes mon automne." When we returned to the salon we discreetly waited for the promised song. Suddenly Jenny Lind jumped up, saying, "Shall I sing something?" Of course, every one was wild to hear her. She went to the piano and accompanied herself in "Qui la voce," of "I Puritani."