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He had heard that his young Kottbus acquaintance had begun to devote himself to Egyptology. This interested the old man, who, as a special favourite of Mohammed Ali, had spent delightful days on the Nile and made all sorts of plans for Egypt.

I would much rather be a stoker, or an engineer, than sit on deck all day and talk about Florentine art, and the Handel Festival, and Egyptology, and the gospel of Tolstoy, and play cricket and quoits, and dance a little, and sing a little, and flirt a little, ever so nicely.

Almost naked, he travels across the desert on swift camels, carrying a long sword for the protection of the royal mails. So far Margaret had received no desert letter. Her days had passed smoothly and swiftly, for Freddy had kept her hard at work. Each day her interest in his work intensified; the more she learned of Egyptology and of archaeology generally, the more wholly absorbing it became.

He rises a glorious boatman in the morning, working an oar to speed the craft through the high ocean of the noon sky. Henceforth he makes the eternal round with the sun. This book on motion pictures does not profess to be an expert treatise on Egyptology as well. The learned folk are welcome to amend the modernisms that have crept into it.

He inquired with friendly interest how my attention had been called to Egyptology, what progress I had made, and what other sciences I was studying. After my reply he shook his venerable head with its long grey locks, and said, smiling: "You have been putting the cart before the horse. But that's the way with young specialists.

My second friend was a young Pole who devoted himself eagerly to Egyptology, and whom Lepsius had introduced as a professional comrade. So, during those hard winters, I did not lack friendship. But they also wove into my life something else which lends their memory a melancholy charm.

It is evident that mediæval Latin palæography forms part of the necessary outfit of the mediævalist, just as the palæography of hieroglyphics is essential to the Egyptologist. There is, however, a difference to be observed. No one will ever think of devoting himself to Egyptology without having first studied the appropriate palæography.

Of course, I realize you must think him a perfect jackass, an idiot " "What! Think him WHAT?" "An idiot, an imbecile. Nine people out of ten, those who don't know him well, do consider him just that. Yet he isn't. In some respects he is a mighty clever man. In his own line, in this musty-dusty museum business of his, this Egyptology he is so cracked about, he is really very close to the top.

"Quite right, Professor," Simpkins assented cheerfully. "The lady who wrote it is interested in Egyptology, and is trying to have a little fun with me." "If I may judge from the letter, she seems to be interested in you as well," the professor went on smilingly. "In fact, it appears to be ahem a love-letter." "Eh! What?" exclaimed Simpkins, suddenly serious, "Let's have it."

You haven't tried much of Primmie's cookin' yet.... Oh, by the way, what IS your business, Mr. Bangs?" "I am an archaeologist." "Yes oh yes.... A a what, did you say?" "An archaeologist. I specialize principally in Egyptology." "Oh.... Oh, yes." "Yes." "Yes.... Well, I must run out to the kitchen now. Make yourself right at home, Mr. Bangs."