United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In closing may I assure you again of Shoghi Effendi’s best wishes and prayers for you and family, and to express hope that your long-cherished desire to visit the Holy Land may be realized in the near future. With his cordial greetings...

For the last few weeks we have all been happy over Shoghi Effendi’s safe arrival and we really miss all our beloved brethren and sisters in this little town of Haifa. Last night’s sad and solemn occasion was passed in prayer and meditation. The loved ones of that dear Master had all gathered from the countries near by to join His family in commemorating the anniversary of His passing.

It is Shoghi Effendi’s hope therefore that your youth group will make a renewed and determined effort this year to put into daily practice the principles and teachings of the Cause, and thus demonstrate to the non-Bahá’í youth of your country the tremendous power which the Bahá’í Teachings have to shape, mould and reconstruct the lives of men.

You will be welcome anytime in February or Marchwhich time seems to be the best for visiting Palestine. With the renewed assurance of Shoghi Effendi’s best wishes and of his prayers on your behalf, and with his hearty greetings to you and family,... With the renewed assurance of my love, my admiration and prayers for you and extending to you both a warm welcome,

Shoghi Effendi’s commentary on the significance of this historic initiative commands reflection on the part of every Bahá’í who seeks to understand the events of this turbulent century.

Tirelessly coursing the earth in promotion of Shoghi Effendi’s Plan, coming together in annual conclaves to provide encouragement and information, inspiring the endeavours of their newly created deputies, and fending off the efforts of a new band of Covenant-breakers to undermine the unity of the Faith, this small company of grief-stricken men and women succeeded in ensuring that the Crusade’s ambitious objectives were attained in the time required and that the necessary foundation was in place for the erection of the Administrative Order’s crowning unit.

He is so glad to know that Mr. Benke is going to Sofia to help Miss Jack, and he trusts that he will be of very great help to her. With the assurance of Shoghi Effendi’s loving greetings to you all,... My dear and precious co-workers: I was so pleased to hear from you and to learn of your steadfast loyalty to the Cause.

We obviously cannot penetrate the mind of God. What is clear and undeniable, however, is that, through his interpretive authority, the structure of the Administrative Order, as well as the course that its future development will pursue, have been permanently fixed by Shoghi Effendi’s fulfilmentin every least respect and to the fullest extent imaginableof the mandate laid on him by the Master.

The Hidden Words, The Kitáb-i-Íqán, the priceless treasury brought together with so much love and insight under the title Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, Prayers and Meditations of Bahá’u’lláh and Epistle to the Son of the Wolf provided the spiritual nourishment the work of the Cause urgently required, as did Shoghi Effendi’s translation and editing of Nabíl’sNarrativeunder the title The Dawn-Breakers.

This to Shoghi Effendi’s deep disappointment has not been possible, Mr. Herrigel has been uncompromising and firm and the result is that the Cause in ... is at a standstill. This is why Shoghi Effendi would ask everyone and especially yourself to make every effort and help the situation.... My dear co-worker: A trusted friend of ours, Dr.