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Montague Mount to Mrs. Tenterden. 170A, EBURY STREET, 24th July 1901. I was much interested in your letter. Needless to say that I wish you the success that you are sure to attain. One word of advice. If I were you, while you are at Southampton, I should manage to be a good deal more at the hotel than you appear to be.

I could recollect devoutly replying. I could smile at present for this remembrance, since before we got to Ebury Street I was struck with the fact that, save in the sense of being well set up on his legs, George Gravener had actually ceased to tower. The universe he laid low had somehow bloomed again the usual eminences were visible.

Further northward in the Grosvenor Road, Peterborough House once stood, facing the river, and this was at one time called "the last house in Westminster." It was built by the first Earl of Peterborough, and retained his name until 1735, when it passed to Alexander Davis of Ebury, whose only daughter and heiress had married Sir Thomas Grosvenor. The house was rebuilt, and renamed Grosvenor House.

Ce jour-la vous pourrez de nonveau avoir un gouvcrnement fort et national. From Lord Ebury February 13th I cannot recollect anything about Charles Greville's pamphlet on Ireland, though I imagine I must have read it at the time. Can one get it now to look at it? or are things so much changed by the march of events since that its interest has passed away?

Val, on the other hand, lived in Ebury Street, Pimlico; her house was much inferior to that of the Tudors; it was small, ill built, and afflicted with all the evils which bad drainage and bad ventilation can produce; but then it was reckoned to be within the precincts of Belgravia, and was only five minutes' walk from Buckingham Palace. Mrs.

Surely you cannot deny me that right." "I cannot," said the Archbishop. "She does." This pulled Max up with a jerk: not that he yet believed it, however. "Where is she now?" he inquired. "She has joined the Sisterhood of Poverty. To-day she entered her profession." The Prince choked. "That is horrible!" he said. "You mean she has taken vows?" The Archbishop of Ebury bowed his head.

I was doubtless often a nuisance to my friends in those years; but there were sacrifices I declined to make, and I never passed the hat to George Gravener. I never forgot our little discussion in Ebury Street, and I think it stuck in my throat to have to treat him to the avowal I had found so easy to Mss Anvoy.

I remember going to a breakfast at a villa belonging to Lady Buckinghamshire. The Chelsea Waterworks Company had a sort of marshy place with canals and osier beds, now, I suppose, Ebury Street, and here it was that I was permitted to go and try my hand at snipe-shooting, a special privilege given to the son of the freeholder.

Ebury, Yorks. From King's Cross. Or St. Pancras. "What about the car?" Tommy shook his head. "Send it up if you like, but we'd better stick to the train. The great thing is to keep calm." Julius groaned. "That's so. But it gets my goat to think of that innocent young girl in danger!" Tommy nodded abstractedly. He was thinking.

Reeve in your Lordships' chamber. To Mr. T. Norton Longman Foxholes, November 4th. I hope you saw the funeral oration Sir Barnes Peacock pronounced on me in the Privy Council. The notice in the 'Times' brought Reeve many letters from his friends; amongst others, the following: From Lord Ebury November 9th. I see you are going to desert the Council altogether.