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Miss Lynn tells us in Sunday School about a fella in the Bible got downta eatin' with the pigs in a far country, an' when he come to himself he thought about his father's servants, an' he said 'I'll get up and beat it home an' say I'm sorry!" "I know," said Mark, and was still the rest of the day. But the next morning he asked the doctor how soon he might get up.

Jud Carpenter stopped his horse instantly. "Turkeys goin' to roost." he muttered. He listened for the direction. Prut Prut it came out of the bushes on the right a hundred yards away under a beech tree. Jud listened: "Eatin' beech-mast," he said, and he slipped off his pony, tied him quietly to the limb of a sweet-gum tree, and cocking his long gun, slipped into the wood.

"Wall, ef thet don't beat the Dutch!" exclaimed a cowboy. "A bronc' eatin' outer a lady's hand. What's the alkali flats a- comin' to!" "She's a reg'lar lion tamer, thet's the shorest thing I know," declared another. "Hey! What's up now?"

"Well, I guess I know it." "And about not comin' home to dinner, too. Your mother telephoned twice to Mamma while we were eatin' to see if you'd come in our house. And when they SEE you MY, but you're goin' to get the DICKENS, Penrod!" Penrod seemed unimpressed, though he was well aware that Sam's prophecy was no unreasonable one. "Well, I guess I know it," he repeated casually.

Five minutes more an' the invites are all withdrawed. Then the eatin' an' the singin' an' the playin' will all go on without you, an' ef you are found hangin' 'roun' our door I'll hev the dogs to chase you away." No answer came from the woods, but Henry knew how the hearts of the warriors were consumed with rage.

I was smiling grimly at this conceit, well pleased at the chance thus afforded me, when the stateroom door was suddenly flung open, and the hairy face of the mate thrust within. "I reckon yer better tote them wet duds down ter the boiler room," he said, gruffly, "an' then git sum grub. Likely 'nough yer wound't mind eatin' a bit. Be yer a river man?"

With Mandy's watchful eye upon him he went through the form of eating, but Mandy was not to be deceived. "You ain't eatin' nothin'," she said reproachfully as he rose from the table. "Enough for a man who is doing nothing," replied Cameron. "What I want is exercise. I think I shall take a walk." "Going to church?" she enquired, an eager light springing into her eye. "To church?

"Just get out and yell all you wants to," grinned Toby. "We'll have one good feed, whatever." In remarkably short time the owl was plucked, dressed and boiling merrily over the fire in a kettle that was becoming rusty from disuse. "We'll be eatin' the broth first, and then the meat a bit at a time, and often," suggested Toby.

Jus' lemme know what Ah kin do for yo' to-night. That 'ere lobstuh Newburg's jus' about prime fo' eatin' this very minute, ef yo' feel a bit peckish." "I do," P. Sybarite admitted. "Just a spoonful " "An' uh lil drink, suh? Jus' one lil innercent cocktail to fix yo' mouf right?" "If you insist, Pete if you insist."