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It is thus, for example, with the theory of the tides. As much of the phenomena as depends on the attraction of the sun and moon is completely understood, and may, in any, even unknown, part of the earth’s surface, be foretold with certainty; and the far greater part of the phenomena depends on those causes.

But the following copy was made when the epitaph was fresh and legible: ‘Here is committed to earth’s trust Wise, pious, spotlesse, learned dust, Who living more adorned the place Than the place him. Such was God’s grace.’ Is the verse of this epitaph from Milton’s pen or not? Mr.

Should we not, rather, take the pathway of the righteous, and follow in the footsteps of those great ones gone before? These few brief days shall pass away, this present life shall vanish from our sight; the roses of this world shall be fresh and fair no more, the garden of this earth’s triumphs and delights shall droop and fade.

The centrifugal force of the spinning platform acted as artificial gravity, but it was considerably less than earth’s. "We probably won’t be able to walk straight until we get our earth-legs back," Flip answered. "I wish I could stay in Colorado with you instead of going back to Mexico City, Rip. We could have a lot of fun in eight weeks." Rip nodded. "Tough luck, Flip.

But man leaves his body, and returns to the spiritual form of existence. All these are imbedded in other structures, which are formed out of the earth’s substances. Now, however, the process of condensing the earth’s substance continues. And when this happens man also, during his earth period, begins to incorporate the earthly element in his body.

Thus we see that there is not only an invariable connection between the sun and the earth’s gravitation, but that two of the relations of the sun, its position with respect to the earth and its distance from the earth, are invariably connected as antecedents with the quantity and direction of the earth’s gravitation.

The task of science is, through geology, geognosy, mineralogy, geodesy, physical geography, meteorology, and other sciences to discover the physical, chemical, and mechanical causes of the earth’s evolution and their laws, and from the co-operation of these to interpret everything in detail and as a whole.

The ascertainment of these angular distances ascertained their supplements; and since the angle at the earth’s centre subtended by the distance between the two places of observation was deducible by spherical trigonometry from the latitude and longitude of those places, the angle at the moon subtended by the same line became the fourth angle of a quadrilateral of which the other three angles were known.

This distinction between the relations of succession which, so far as we know, are unconditional, and those relations, whether of succession or of co-existence, which, like the earth’s motions, or the succession of day and night, depend on the existence or on the co-existence of other antecedent factscorresponds to the great division which Dr.

If we wish to draw a material, yet supersensible, picture of these human beings in the very beginning of the earth’s evolution, we must imagine a psychic ovoid, or egg, contained within the circumference of the earth, and enclosed on its lower surface, as an acorn is by its cup. The substance of the cup, however, consists solely of heat or fire.