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Lady Droitwich said you were with people here she didn't know. I hope they've been kind to you? You look well, as if your cure had done everything a cure should." "They've been very kind," said Scrap. "I got them out of an advertisement." "An advertisement?" "It's a good way, I find, to get friends. I'm fonder of one of these than I've been of anybody in years." "Really? Who is it?"

He looked ashamed and entreating, like a guilty but devoted dog. "You must forgive me," he said. "Lady Droitwich told me where you were, and as I happened to be passing through on my way to Rome I thought I would get out at Mezzago and just look in and see how you were." "But didn't my mother tell you I was doing a rest-cure?" "Yes. She did.

He had lent money on the strength of the security afforded by a brine pit in the neighbourhood of Droitwich; and his creditor having failed in the stipulated payments, James had foreclosed upon this property and had undertaken to work it for himself.

When now there was again nothing left for future housekeeping expenses, a Christian lady at a considerable distance informed me by this morning's post that she has paid into the hands of Messrs. Stuckey & Co. of Bristol, my bankers, the sum of one hundred pounds for my use for the benefit of the orphans. By the same post I have received also ten shillings from Droitwich.

Our English salt supply is chiefly derived from the Cheshire and Worcestershire salt-regions, which are of triassic age. Many of the places at which the salt is mined have names ending in wich, such as Northwich, Middlewich, Nantwich, Droitwich, Netherwich, and Shirleywich.

"He's the only living soul I can get at who was connected with Holmescroft," I said. "Ah! Living soul is good," said M'Leod. "At any rate our little girl will be pleased that you are still interested in us. Won't you come down some day this week?" "How is it there now?" I asked. He screwed up his face. "Simply frightful!" he said. "Thea is at Droitwich."

She looked very well; she said so and so. But presently the things Lady Droitwich had said took on an unusual quality: they became amusing. "Mother said that?" Scrap interrupted, surprised. And presently Lady Droitwich began to do amusing things as well as say them. "Mother did that?" Scrap inquired, wide-eyed. Arundel warmed to his work.

Hence the vast stores of salted flesh found in the larder of the elder Spencer in the days of Edward II., even so late in the spring as the 3rd of May." A note adds that the store consisted of "Six hundred bacons, eighty carcasses of beef and six hundred muttons." It is not difficult to trace the route over which the salt was carried from Droitwich.

I also received further this morning a half sovereign from Droitwich. The little that was left, after the housekeeping expenses were met, was put by for rent and the expenses for the apprentices, and I was again without a penny, looking out for fresh supplies for to-morrow. Dec. 31, 1847. The last day of another year had now come.

John Jennens, 1651, gave 2l. 10s. for the use of the poor, born and living in Birmingham; and also 20s. on St. Thomas's day. Joseph Pemberton gave 40s. per annum, payable out of an estate at Tamworth, and 20s. out of an estate in Harbourne. Richard Smallbrook gave to the poor of Birmingham 10s. per annum, arising out of a salt vat in Droitwich. Robert Whittall gave the pall, or beere cloth.