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Paxton bumped into Reff Ritter, lost his footing, and fell over the dress-suit case in the bully's hand. "Hurrah! One down!" cried Andy Snow. "How many yards to gain for a touchdown, Nick?" "What do you mean by knocking me down!" roared Nick Paxton, as he scrambled to his feet. "I'll not stand for it." "Then sit down again," answered Pepper, merrily.

"What do they wear at these French weddings, anyhow? A dress-suit, isn't it?" he asked. The question was such a surprise to Garnett that for the moment he could only stammer out "You consent then? I may go and tell her?" "You may tell my girl yes." He gave a vague laugh and added: "One way or another, my wife always gets what she wants."

He had no baggages, but one small trunk that I packed for him his dress-suit, some shirts that I had made, some lace handkerchiefs that I was sending to Florine. In this trunk too were ze star buttons, heirlooms in ze famille Gardiné. He was to spend his honeymoon in Texas until his furlough had expired: then he was to bring Florine to me, and he was to go back to his regiment.

He knew the mot juste, the happy figure, the pat allusion. His touch was light; his address could be almost courtly, so that, on suddenly looking up, you would feel a vague surprise to behold in the speaker, not a polished man of the world in his dress-suit, but this beery old one-eyed vagabond in tatters. It was strange to witness his transitions.

The only other occupant was a man with a large black dress-suit case, who sat at the window in a slump of dejection. He raised his head for a moment when they were summoned and let it sag down again as they left. Average Jones greeted his guests cordially. Their first questions to him were significant of the masculine and feminine differences in point of view.

And with her own clothing she packed Stewart's, the dress-suit he had worn once to the Embassy, a hat that folded, strange American shoes, and books always books. The Herr Doktor would study at Semmering. When all was in readiness and Stewart was taking a final survey, Marie ran downstairs and summoned a cab. It did not occur to her to ask him to do it.

Have you worn it since?" "No. It hung in my closet until yesterday, when I folded it to pack. You see, I I've had to give up the road on account of my unhappy failing." "Then permit me." Average Jones stooped to, the dress-suit case, drew out the garment and thrust his hand into its one pocket. He turned to Mrs. Hale. "Would you er mind er leaning over a bit?" he said.

Yet, in twenty minutes, each submarine boy found himself in the duty uniform of a United States junior naval officer, each uniform adorned with the insignia of the wearer's rank. In the meantime, dress-suit cases had been procured from a store near by. "All right and proper," nodded Ensign McGrath.

His questions evidently amused, for her eyes sparkled. "Naturally that query comes first; and especially the dress-suit. You have the prejudices of your sex, I see, and without regret. I shall endeavour to reply catagorically, yet with reservations. We are going to a country home, where we dine, in company with a few guests." "I see; I am first of all to be projected into society.

It seemed to be an unwritten law that the politician should have his dress-suit did his wife wear serge for ever. Consequently they presented a more uniformly fine appearance than their women, and most of them held themselves with a certain look of power. Their faces were almost invariably keen and strong.