United States or Cameroon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

When they came to the wharf, several carriages were waiting. Mercedes looked for Mr. Bowdoin, hoping he had come to meet her in one of the former, but was disappointed, for that gentleman was seen running down the hill as if too late, his blue dress-coat tails streaming in the wind, his Panama hat in one hand, and a large brown-paper bag, bursting with oranges, in the other.

I seized my dress-coat which was beside me, threw it over my shoulders, twisted my white cravat round my neck, and, like a soldier bivouacking, I sought a comfortable position. It would have been all very well without the icy cold that assailed my legs, and I saw nothing in reach to cover me.

He had not hoped to be considered an oracle so soon. "You see," Bradley went on, "the publisher of a new magazine called the 'United States Monthly' has asked me to dinner. It is away over in Brooklyn, and, besides, the real reason I can't go is that I haven't got a dress-coat. Now what is the thing to do about regrets, cards, and so on?"

After viewing them, there was nothing left to do but to get lunch, which we got extremely good at the hotel where a friend led us. There was at this hotel a head-waiter, in a silver-braided silk dress-coat of a mauve color, who imagined our wants so perfectly that I shall always regret not taking more of the omelette; the table-waiter urged it upon us twice with true friendliness.

The instance: she positively would not notice that you wear a dress-coat of a foreign cut. Correct it to-morrow; my tailor shall wait on you. I meant to point out to you that when a London woman has not taken note of that, the face and the man have made the right impression on her. Richie, dear boy, how shall I speak the delight I have in seeing you!

Cammysole, his landlady, and proposed to marry Flora off-hand, and settle four hundred a year upon her. She has been Mrs. Captain Bragg these twelve years. Bragg to this day wears anchor-buttons, and has a dress-coat with a gold strap for epaulets, in case he should have a fancy to sport them. His house is covered with portraits, busts, and miniatures of himself.

When Howard had gone Stafford exchanged his dress-coat for a shooting-jacket, and with the little wallet in his pocket and his pipe in his mouth, he strode up the road.

Politeness is a thing of hat-lifting, of bowing and scraping, of 'Pardon! and 'Merci! It is an article to be worn, like a dress-coat and a white tie, in a drawing-room and among our acquaintances. We have the right article for that occasion very sweet, very refined, very graceful, very charming indeed. But as for everyday use nenni!"

He had, in a small way, done the same himself. But he had never met one of the men who do not go home who possess no dress-coat and no use for it whose business it is to go about with a rifle in one hand and their life in the other who risk their lives because it is their trade and not their pleasure. Durnovo could not understand the new-comer at all.

And in exactly the same way the tailor still sews buttons at the back of your dress-coat, because a couple of hundred years ago all gentlemen wore swords; in the same way our railroad builders make cars narrow and uncomfortable and liable to overturn, because a hundred years ago all cars were hauled by mules.