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I had neither doubts nor fears. All the content of my mind seemed to be an absolute faith in the over-lordship of the mind. This passivity was almost dream-like, and yet, in its way, it was positive almost to a pitch of exaltation. I began my concentration of will. Even then my body was numbing and prickling through the loss of circulation.

How the days went by she scarcely knew, but the next event in her dream-like life was the sudden bursting into the room of Dorcas, her face flushed, and her eyelids swollen and red with weeping. Dorcas was a member of Lady Scrope's household, but paid visits from time to time to the other house.

I have heard of such hereditary faces. My mother was proud of resembling that portrait. 'What did your mother know of Maulevrier Castle? The old man did not answer. He had lapsed into that dream-like condition into which he often sank, when his brain was not stimulated to attention and coherency by his interest in Mary's narrations.

On this whole scene was impressed a dream-like character: every shape was wavering, every movement floating, every voice echo-like half-mocking, half- uncertain. Paulina and her friends being gone, I scarce could avouch that I had really seen them; nor did I miss them as guides through the chaos, far less regret them as protectors amidst the night.

I was not taken to the main entrance, but to a side door. The queer dream-like feeling was still there. In this back hall, relegated from the more conspicuous part of the house, there were even pieces of furniture from the old home, and my father's picture, in an oval gilt frame, hung over my head. I had not seen a picture of him for twenty years. I went over and touched it gently.

She was at the age when nothing is impossible to youthful dreams, and if Tancredi had come out of the Gerusalemme and thrown himself at her feet, she would hardly have felt it more strangely dream-like than the transformation of her kind doctor into her own Joe: and on the other hand, she had from the first moment nestled so entirely into the home that it would have seemed more unnatural to be torn away from it than to become a part of it.

Placed as were these little citadels upon a slender, and at brief distance invisible thread of land, with the dark waters rolling around them far and near, they presented an insubstantial dream-like aspect, seeming rather like castles floating between air and ocean than actual fortifications a deceptive mirage rather than reality.

Winter is the time of sleep. "I will give him honey and dried meat. I know where we shall live together. You never saw such roses! Hush! I have a place where we can hide." Suddenly her gaze became fixed and dream-like, and she said slowly: "In all time of our tribulation, in all time of our wealth, in the hour of death, and in the Day of Judgment, Good Lord, deliver us!"

"Only a jackal. I daresay if you listen you will hear another answer it. Pleasant note, isn't it?" "Horrible! It sounded like some poor creature in pain." "Hungry, perhaps," said the professor coolly. "Fine, wild, weird prospect, this, eh?" "It seems very dream-like and strange." "Yes, it impressed me like that at first.

When one considers how great and how close to us the problem of existence is, this equivocal, tormented, fleeting, dream-like existence so great and so close that as soon as one perceives it, it overshadows and conceals all other problems and aims; and when one sees how all men with a few and rare exceptions are not clearly conscious of the problem, nay, do not even seem to see it, but trouble themselves about everything else rather than this, and live on taking thought only for the present day and the scarcely longer span of their own personal future, while they either expressly give the problem up or are ready to agree with it, by the aid of some system of popular metaphysics, and are satisfied with this; when one, I say, reflects upon this, so may one be of the opinion that man is a thinking being only in a very remote sense, and not feel any special surprise at any trait of thoughtlessness or folly; but know, rather, that the intellectual outlook of the normal man indeed surpasses that of the brute, whose whole existence resembles a continual present without any consciousness of the future or the past but, however, not to such an extent as one is wont to suppose.