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Thus the generic name given all members of the cat tribe being Felis, the name Felis leo designates the lion; Felis pardus, the leopard; Felis domestica, the house cat, and so on. This seems perfectly simple and natural now, but to understand how great a reform the binomial nomenclature introduced we have but to consult the work of Linnaeus's predecessors. A single illustration will suffice.

DOMESTICA ... EXTERNA BELLA: here the domestica bella are those wars which belong to the history of Rome, the externa bella those wars which belong to the history of other states; but usually domestica bella are civil wars, externa foreign wars in which Rome is engaged; e.g.

It is certainly a very powerful styptic, and is to be looked on simply as such; the sudorific, antipestilential, and other like virtues attributed to it, it has no other claim to, than in consequence of this property, and of the antiseptic power which it has in common with other vegetable styptics. The largest dose of the root in powder is one dram. PRUNUS domestica. FRENCH PRUNES. The Fruit.

En la vida doméstica y familiar no surge ningún conflicto entre los dos seres por estar repartido el trabajo entre ambos; no hay motivo tampoco para temer ningún conflicto en la vida pública si se sabe asignar a cada sexo los deberes que le corresponden según su naturaleza.

There is no need to sketch him; the species is as well known as that of the felis domestica. But how explain the perennial vigor of envy? a vice that brings nothing in! Persons in society, literary men, honest folk, in short, individuals of all species, were promulgating in the month of January, 1824, so many different opinions about Madame Firmiani that it would be tedious to write them down.

The disproportion between his subject and the means he has of expressing it is too strong. Above all, I do not like this display of the inner and secret self. There is a want of reticence in this Sinfonia Domestica. The fireside, the sitting-room, and the bedchamber, are open to all-comers. Is this the family feeling of Germany to-day?

5 This attitude of the shachihoko is somewhat de rigueur, whence the common expression shachihoko dai, signifying to stand on ones head. It is a ceremonial gift at weddings and on congratu-latory occasions. The Japanese call it also the king of fishes. 7 Nandina domestica. 8 The most lucky of all dreams, they say in Izumo, is a dream of Fuji, the Sacred Mountain.

The cultivated plums, damsons and gages are varieties of the Prunus domestica, the cultivated plum tree. These have no thorns; the leaves are oval in shape, and the flowers grow singly. The most highly-valued cultivated plum trees came originally from the East, where they have been known from time immemorial.

VIRGINIAN POKEWEED. The leaves and berries produce a beautiful rose-colour, but it is very fugacious. PRUNUS domestica. PLUM. The bark is used by the country people to dye cloth yellow. PYRUS Malus. APPLE,-The bark of this plant, also, produces a yellow colour. QUERCUS Robur. OAK. The juice of the oak mixed with vitriol forms a black ink; the galls ar employed for the same purpose.

P. DOMESTICA, Common Garden Plum, and P. domestica insititia, Bullace Plum, are both very ornamental-flowering species, and some of the varieties are even more desirable than the parent plants. Holly-leaved Cherry. California. A distinct evergreen species, with thick leathery leaves, and erect racemes of small white flowers.