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They were, after all, only a less striking type of the sentimental Englishwomen who read L. E. L. and the earlier novels of Bulwer-Lytton. On both sides of the Atlantic there was a reign of sentiment and a prevalence of what was then called "delicacy." It was a die-away, unwholesome attitude toward life and was morbid to the last degree.

"It's that confounded waltzing which disgusted her," he said, "and no wonder, for if ever a man looks like an idiot, it is when he is kicking up his heels to the sound of a viol, and wheeling around some woman whose skirts sweep everything within the circle of a rod, and whose face wears that die-away expression I have so often noticed. I've half a mind to swear I'll never dance again."

"'No, Ma, sais Di all the girls address her as Di; ain't it a pretty abbreviation for a die-away young lady? But she is not a die-away lass; she is more of a Di Vernon. 'No, Ma, sais Di, 'gipsey ing, what a hard word it is! Mr Russel says it's what they call these parties in England. It is so like the gipsy life. "'There is one point, sais Pistol, 'in which they differ.

"It must be in the divil's basin, then," she replied, "for if one can judge by their eyes, you're more like one of his childre than your honest father's, whoever he was or is. Troth, I'm afeard it's a dirty business you're; all about to-night, if a body is to take you by your looks." "Why, then," observed another, "who 'ud think that poor die-away Vread had so much spunk in her?

He must perceive how matters were tending? The die-away acid eyeballs-at-the-ceiling of a pair of fanatics per la musica might irritate a husband, but the lover should read and know. Giddy as the beautiful creature deprived of her natural aliment seems in her excuseable hunger for it, she has learnt her lesson, she is not a reeling libertine.

After two or three minutes' silence the voice spoke again, and at some length, apparently repeating several times an affectionate series of ejaculations with a cooing emphasis that was unutterably mawkish and offensive. The sickliness of the voice, its falling intonations and its strange indelicacy, combined with a die-away softness and meretricious refinement, made the Father's flesh creep.

I'll begin, and then I think you'd better speak next, she said, handing the die-away young woman her notes. 'These seem all right. 'Oh, but, Miss Blunt, she whispered, 'I'm so nervous. How am I ever to face all those men? 'You'll find it quite easy when once you are started, said Ernestine, in a quiet undertone.

Bunting spoke in a soft, weak, die-away voice, and again, stooping somewhat, she grasped the edge of the table. But her husband was not noticing her now.

Dr Marsh was no sentimental die-away noodle who, half-ashamed, half-proud of his condition, displays it to the semi-contemptuous world.

Joanna's voice dragged ominously with patience "the same shade as your last night's gownd, which is the colour of the mould on jam? I'll have the colours I like in my own house I'm sick of your dentical, die-away notions.