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Laura Lathrop came over to Dicky’s house the other day while the W.M.N.T.’s were meeting and she told us the greatest mess of stuff about you. I told her I was coming right over and tell you about it and she said, ‘All right, you can.’ Laura said that you said that last summer you had a birthday party that you invited five hundred children to.

From the molding hung a fringe of hockey-sticks. Having arranged all Arthur’s things, the quartette filed upstairs to the closet where Dicky’s paper-work was kept. “Gracious, I didn’t realize there were so many,” Rosie said. “Sure, the lad has worked day and night,” Granny said, patting Dicky’s thin cheek. They filled Arthur’s baskets and trooped back to the shop.

Dore on one side and Dicky on the other. “And sure, me own hearrt was telling me the trut’ all the toime did Oi but listhen to utfor ’twas loving this foine little lad ivry minut av the day.” She patted Dicky’s head. “And me niver seeing the baby that had me own name!” She cuddled Delia close. “OI’m the happiest woman in the whole woide wurrld this day.”

Every other afternoon, and always when it was bad weather, they worked at Maida’s house. Granny gave Maida a closet all to herself and as fast as the things were finished they were put in boxes and stowed away on its capacious shelves. Arthur whittled and carved industriously. His work went slower than Dicky’s of course but, still, it went with remarkable quickness.

“I can’t, either,” Maida laughed. “It must be fun to be a twinto have any kind of a sister or brother. Who’s that big boythe one with the hair all hanging down on his face?” “Oh, that’s Arthur Duncan.” Dicky’s whole face shone. “He’s a dandy. He can lick any boy of his size in the neighborhood. I bet he could lick any boy of his size in the world. I bet he could lick his weight in wild-cats.”

No, of course. Nobody is like your mother.” “Oh, yes; there’s something else I had to tell you. The W.M.N.T.’s are going to meet at Dicky’s after school this afternoon. Be sure to come, Maida.” “Of course I’ll come.” Maida’s whole face sparkled. “That is, if Granny doesn’t think it’s too wet.” Rosie lingered for a few moments but she did not seem like her usual happy-go-lucky self.