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Dalmaine dictated a letter or two that he wished to have off his mind, and after that bade Tasker good-day. At half-past four in the afternoon he drove up to a house at Lancaster Gate, where he had recently been a not infrequent visitor.

'I'd rather they didn't go to the polls at all, Walter replied. He knew that this was exaggeration, but it pleased him to exaggerate. He enjoyed the effect on the honourable member's broad countenance. 'Come, come! said Dalmaine, laughing with appearance of entering into the joke. 'At that rate, English freedom would soon be at an end. One might as well abolish newspapers.

Never was a richer occasion for the utterance of wisdom such as recommends itself to the British public. Mr. Dalmaine understood the tastes and habits of that public as well as most men of his standing. After one abortive attempt to enter Parliament, he gained his seat for Vauxhall at the election of 1874, and from the day of his success he steadily applied himself to the political profession.

Newthorpe smiled much during the interview with him, and, a few hours later, when alone with Annabel, he suddenly exclaimed: 'What an ignorant pretentious numskull that fellow is! 'Of whom do you speak? 'Why, of Dalmaine, of course. 'My dear father! A philanthropist! One of the forces of the time! Mr. Newthorpe leaned back and laughed. 'Perfectly true, he said presently.

How long would it wait before another man was found able and willing to do so much on its behalf? Looking in the other direction, he could now explain that scene at Charing Cross. Dalmaine, through his connection with Lambeth, had already heard the story. He took this way of showing that he was informed of everything, and of manifesting his august disapproval.

Egremont is doing wrong in making his lectures free. We may be sure they are well worth paying to hear, and it's an axiom in all dealing with the working class that they will never value anything that they don't pay for. 'Oh, but Mr. Dalmaine, protested Paula, 'you couldn't ask Mr. Egremont to take money at the door! 'It sounds shocking, Miss Tyrrell, but if Mr.

Yet it must be the most effectual way of reaching the people. You address them on English Literature, I think? Egremont did not care to explain that he had now a broader subject. He murmured an affirmative. Dalmaine had hoped to elicit some of the 'Thoughts for the Present, and felt disappointment. 'An excellent choice, it seems to me, he continued, making his glass revolve on the table-cloth.

Dalmaine was due the credit of having formed her. This gentleman did his kinsfolk the honour of calling upon them. He had grown a little stouter; he bore himself with conscious dignity; you saw that he had not much time, nor much attention, to bestow upon unpolitical people. He was suave and abrupt by turns; he used his hands freely in conversing. Mr.

But the impression made upon one by an object suddenly presented when the thought is busy with far other things will as a rule embody much essential truth. As a force, Egremont would not have weighed in the scale against Dalmaine. Putting himself in conscious opposition to such a man, he had but his due in a sense of nullity. Mr. Tyrrell was kind to him in the assignment of a partner.

'In my opinion, the one greatest boon that could be granted the working class. I do my best to dissuade them from the reading of newspapers. Dalmaine turned the whole matter into a jest. Secretly he believed that Egremont was poking contemptuous fun at him, but it was his principle to receive everything with good-humour.